Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Program Shows Real Depth/JV Boys Basketball Opens Season With Fine Play and Lots of Talent

What Does This Year's JV Boys Basketball Team Look Like?

This year's JVBB team is an interesting mix of characters. They are a fun loving group that likes to hang out together (they already have team nicknames) and really compete hard in games. Their leaders are Sophomores Bryce Behar aka "Brizzle" and Bashir Desgrottes aka "B Diddy". Bryce is an energetic shut down defender and Bashir is a talented point guard that has the ability to score as well as distribute the ball. On the forward line we have two powerful players in Freshmen Adeola Adgebite aka "Man Child" and Blake "Tiny" Martin. Both these guys rebound very well and have displayed a deft touch around the basket. Freshmen Vishal Chinchwadkar aka "Cookies", Steven "Stevie D" Dourmashkin, Eddie "Huai Not" Huai and Ben "Lobley" Lobley run the wings and provide the squad with excellent ball handling skills and good overall team speed. Finally, there is Chris McCloskey aka"McCloskey" who flies around the court with reckless abandon and brings some real energy and a spice of dash to the team's play.

The JVBB opened up its season with games against two of their toughest opponents(Upper Room and Columbia Prep), and although both these games ended in losses, you couldn't help but be impressed with the effort and fine play of all the players. Mr Clark is doing a great job of getting the guys to play as a team, and we are all looking for great things out of this group as the season goes on.

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