Tuesday, November 25, 2008

It Was Like Amazing, Incredible and Totally Awesome/ Full Recap of Portledge School Fall Sports Season

Well what can you say when there is so much to say? First of all, some recognition of all the hard work, effort and sportsmanship that went into this fall sports season on everyone's part is necessary. As the Director of Athletics I couldn't be more proud of our entire program as I am at the conclusion of this last sports season. From the amazing organizational effort of the Assistant Director of Athletics and Athletic Department Associate, Mrs. Schwam and Mr. Sandoval, respectively, to the incredible sportsmanship exhibited by all of our coaches and players throughout what was a very competitive season of athletic contests, all I can think of is the catchy phrase, "like totally awesome". This is all I can think of because that's exactly what it was...totally awesome. I must also mention the fantastic support our teams received from all the fans of Portledge Athletics. Students, parents, grandparents and friends filled the soccer sidelines, the cross country courses and the tennis stands with cheers for our booters, runners and swatters. On occasion their devotion was challenged by some difficult weather, but the wild cheering for our Portledge athletes always prevailed. So in the end, I just want to say a huge THANK YOU to all, for your continued support of Portledge Athletics.

How Did Things End Up for the Varsity Soccer Teams?

Going back to one of my title words, amazing, is appropriate when describing the achievements of our Varsity Soccer programs. For the second year in a row both the Varsity Girls and Boys Soccer teams were selected to participate in the NYSAISAA Championship Tournaments. Last year, along with the Riverdale Country School, we were one of only two schools to warrant this distinction. This year, however, only Portledge qualified both its girls and boys for these prestigious competitions. The fact that many of the school's in the running for these coveted spots are twice, and in some cases three times the size of Portledge, makes this accomplishment even that much more amazing. While our sides were eliminated in the quarterfinals of both tournaments, and we continue to search and desire our first ever semifinal berth, one cannot help but be amazed at the consistency and overall quality of Portledge Soccer. It is something our school and community can be proud of and continue to buil;d around in the future. A few individual accomplishments deserve special recognition. Senior captains Aaron Lee and Trevor Wolfson were both named All League for their tremendous play an incredible leadership. In addition, Trevor Wolfson was selected by the IPPSAL Boys Soccer coaches as Player of the Year in IPPSAL Boys Soccer. On the girls side of things, Junior Claudia Rogers and Senior Alex Siwiec were chosen by the coaches of the PSAA Girls Soccer League as All League players. A well deserved congratulations goes out to all the coaches and players of the Girls and Boys Varsity Soccer teams for this incredible season.

Was the Varsity Girls Tennis Team Able to Regain the IPPSAL Girls Tennis Championship?

A great amount of respect for all their hard work stands behind the resounding answer of YES to that question. Under the cool and calm guidance of Head Coach Henry Stay the Portledge Girls Tennis team returned to the top spot in IPPSAL Girls Tennis. The final match was a very competitive battle with our cross town rival Long Island Lutheran that ended with a individual match score of four wins to one loss in Portledge's favor. This makes six championships in the last seven years and a totally awesome record of thirteen total championships for Portledge's most historically successful program. Special congratulations goes out to Senior captain Siena Falino who as the PANTHER'S #1 player received the IPPSAL Player of the Year Award. Way to go girls...now let's make it seven out of eight.

How Did the Cross Country Team Do in the IPPSAL and PSAA Championships?

The development of the Varsity Cross Country team at Portledge School is directly tied to the enthusiasm and dedication of our incredible Head Coach, Dr. David Sarles. Under his steady and compassionate hand the Portledge runners are quickly developing into a force on the metropolitan independent school running scene. Freshman Isabella Muratore and Sophomore Millie Stallings have emerged as excellent harriers, while the boys have been paced by the strong efforts of Junior Alan Phipps. In addition to these exceptional athletes a slew of improving runners is ready to take on all comers over the cross country courses of the metropolitan area. While there were no "totally awesome" finishes at the championship meets, the Portledge team put forth some surprisingly consistent performances to place within the top three IPPSAL schools and in the top ten of the more numerous and more competitive PSAA schools. These are great signs for next year as 90% of the Portledge runners will return to race again!

Does Portledge Have Junior Varsity Soccer Teams, and If So, How Did They Do?

I have to admit that the JV Girls and Boys Soccer teams did not get as much attention in the blog this fall as they deserved. Sometimes there just are not enough hours in the day to chronicle all the athletic happenings here at Portledge on a regular basis. That being said, I sure try my best! The interesting thing is that Portledge alums would not even know about the existence of JV teams here at Portledge. They are relatively new, heck the Varsity Girls team is only six years old, and they are still really in the developmental stage. Regardless, I saw many a JV game this fall, including the historic first ever win for the JV Girls program, and the quality of the play and the great spirit of the athletes was amazing. Many of these players will eventually be filling our Varsity sides and doing so with incredible skill and "totally awesome" enthusiasm. Having coached high school sports for twenty years, that bus ride back from the JV Girls win over Chapin was one of the best I've ever been on. It was full of joy and recognition of a great team effort that all the girls were proud off. Many of these same feelings were present when the JV Boys team cam back to defeat the JV side of Columbia Prep after having been beaten earlier in the year. These type of accomplishments, as well as the day to day commitment and sacrifice necessary to be part of a team, fuel the development of our student athletes as overall and complete individuals in our society.

In conclusion, I would like to throw out a special thanks to all the coaches who worked so hard in the Upper School athletic program this fall. We certainly couldn't have all these great stories without your contributions. Well I'm off to watch the Varsity Boys Hockey team take on Rye Country Day, but I will be back to blogging later this weekend and will post a full recap of Middle School Fall Sports soon. All for now....and everyone enjoy their TURKEY!!!!!!!!!!