Sunday, October 26, 2008

It Was A Long Time In Coming/ Varsity Boys Soccer Wins Portledge Tournament for the First Time This Century

Yes... it was October, 1996 the last time the Portledge Varsity Boys Soccer team won its own Invitational Soccer Tournament. This dry spell is more about the level of competition Portledge invites to this annual fall celebration of boys prep soccer than any type of ineptitude by the Boys Soccer program. One of only two losses suffered by the 2003 IPPSAL Championship team came at the hands of Packer Collegiate in the final of the Portledge Tournament. Other recent winners of the Invitational have been Fieldston from the prestigious Ivy League, St Ann's from the tough ACIS, Rye Country Day who competes in the excellent New England Dvivsion II League, and of course Packer Collegiate, a perennial NYSAISAA Tournament qualifier that has won four of the last five Portledge Tournaments. Thus, it was with tempered optimism that the Portledge side entered this year's edition of what is possibly the best non post season independent school soccer tournament in the metropolitan area.

Everyone who was there knew that this contest between regular season champs was going to be a real battle. Packer Collegiate, representing the ACIS and still smarting a bit from last year's semi final upset, and Portledge, representing the sometimes overlooked IPPSAL group of schools, were both ready to lay it all on the line. The pace of the game and the level of play certainly did not disappoint as both sides went at each other with a measured ferocity and a skillfull display of passing. Back and forth the early play went until the Packer side started to really pressure the Portledge goal chance after chance. To its credit the Portledge defense, playing without Senior captain Mike McCloskey and with a resolute Daniel Leask in net, turned back wave after wave of Packer attacks. At the half the sides remained even in a scoreless draw. The start of the second half looked a lot like the first as the Packer side put great pressure on the Portledge defense, but then the first of an exciting series of events took place. A Portledge attack down the left side resulted in a throw in that was taken by Senior striker Trevor Wolfson. Wolfson sent one of his patented long throws towards the Packer goal and Junioor midfielder Mark Dourmashkin was there to head it past the Packer keeper and into the open net. Surely the only way for Portledge to win the game was to hold onto this 1-0 lead. Ahhh, but soccer is a strange game that can change in an instant. Things began to look bad for the Panthers when a beautiful Packer passing play forced the Portledge defense to take down the open Packer striker in the penalty area. Packer's #10 then calmly sent the PK into the back of the ol' onion bag and a feeling of dread came over the Portledge faithful. Surely the Panthers wouldn't be able to withstand the coming onslaught. Ahhh, but soccer is a strange game that can change in an instant, and that is just what happened this amazing afternoon on Sawyer Field. Senior Trevor Wolfson got hold of a loose ball in midfield and whirled towards his favorite right flank. Like a flash down the sideline he went past one Packer defender then another. All of a sudden, Wolfson cut the ball back to his left foot and sent a well placed shot towards the far side of the Packer net. When the side of the net bulged back, the Portledge supporters went wild in celebration. Moments later the final whistle blew and the Panthers were headed back to the final for the second year in a row. THE QUESTION ON EVERYONE'S MIND WAS, "this time could they get done".

The air was heavy with the approach of a significant storm front as the Panthers took the field against the powder blue clad side from Columbia Prep. The team from the Upper West Side of NYC was eager to pay back the Panthers for a loss here at Sawyer Field earlier in the season. Unfortunately for the Lions of Columbia Prep there would be no revenge this day. First half goals by Wolfson and Sophomore Chris McCloskey pushed the Panthers to a 2-0 half time lead, and when Wolfson added another at the start of the second period the game was all but over. Sophomore Nic Leask and Senior Paul Maalouf added uneeded insurance goals to establish the final 5-0 score line. Congratulations to Coach Coleman and all the players on a great weekend of soccer. Now that you have a Portledge Tournament Plaque, let's go out and get an IPPSAL Championship Banner!!!!!!!!!!

Portledge will take on Lawrence Woodmere Academy in the IPPSAL Boys Soccer Semi Finals here at Portledge on Wednesday, October 29th (3:00pm).

Freshman Muratore Finishes First Among Female Runners for a Third Time This Season as Portledge X- Country Prepares for IPPSAL & PSAA Championships

Like a gazelle bursting out of some wooded cover, Portledge Freshman Cross Country runner Isabella Muratore has lept onto the stage of metropolitan area independent school running. Muratore has finished first among female runners in three of four IPPSAL meets this season. Her cool and calm demeanor serve to hide what is seemingly a real desire to compete and thrive on the cross country trails. It will be very interesting to see how Isabella fares when she lines up with girls from about thirty different schools in the PSAA Championships on November 5th at Van Cortleand Park in the Bronx. It is the first time Muratore will be running in what will be a strictly female race, as the girls will have a separate start from the boys at this prestigious meet. Before that race though, Portledge will try to better their 3rd place team finishes throughout the season at the IPPSAL Team and Individual Championships on the grass course at Eisenhower Park this coming Tuesday at 4:00pm.

Other Portledge runners who have had impressive seasons are Millie Stallings and Alan Phipps. Sophmore Stallings has consistently been among the top five female finishers at IPPSAL meets and has a 2nd and a 3rd place on her resume for this season. Sophmore Alan Phipps finished in 10th and 18th place, respectively, in the last two IPPSAL meets, and will certainly be looking for a top ten fnish in the Championship Run at Eisenhower. Good luck to the entire cross country team as they head into these two big meets.

Tough One to Swallow/ Varsity Girls Soundly Beaten at Home by Staten Island Academy

Some losses hurt a bit more tham others. This one was a real stinger. The Portledge Varsity Girls Soccer team went into this mid week match up with Staten Island Acaemy coming off of a great win at LWA and looking to secure a home game in the PSAA Varsity Girls Soccer playoffs for the first time since 2005. Unfortnately, nothing seemed to go the Lady Panthers way in this one as they eventually fell to the SIA girls by a score of 4-1. It was a funny game as Portledge dominated the early play but could not find the back of the ol' onion bag. Sophmore forwards Alex Devivo and Marian Juste both had excellent chances, each just missing open corners of the net. Then, a questionable penalty call against Portledge in their own box led to a successful SIA penalty kick and the Portledge girls found themselves down 1-0, even though they had controlled much off the possession. A second SIA goal just before the half really took the wind out of the Lady Panther sails though, as the girls seemed a bit lifeless as they took the field for the second half. Things got worse before they got better as SIA converted on two dead ball situations to make the score an insurmountable 4-0 with just about 25 minutes remaining. To their credit the Portledge girls did not give up though and when Junior Monique Kelly slipped around the SIA defense and goalie to deposit one in the SIA net anything seemed possible. The comeback was not to be though as the SIA girls regained their composure and killed off the remaining time with some impressive passing and team defense.

Now it is the Lady Panthers who must regroup. The result of the SIA game means that Portledge finishes 3rd in regular season PSAA Varsity Girls Soccer play, and while this does come with a fourth playoff apearance in the last five years, it will be on the road against Berkeley Carroll at the Prade Grounds in Brooklyn (Tuesday, October 28th @ 3:45). The Portledge girls have lost four straight there, and only Senior captain Alex Siwiec has ever walked off the Parade Ground fields a winner. Ironicaly, that 2-1 win came in an PSAA semi final game just like this game will be. Hopefully, captain Siwiec can lead her Lady Panther team mates to an upset over the BC team. That would be yet another great accomplishment in what has been an amazing soccer career here at Portledge by the eloquent senior midfielder. Win or lose on Tuesday, one cannot argue against the fact that Alex Siwiec is the most influential player in the history of Varsity Girls Soccer at Portledge. Her combination of speed, grace and power truly make her a joy to watch. So come on #10, take us on one more great play off ride as you play your last games with the Portledge crest over your heart.