Friday, December 14, 2007

7/8 Girls Basketball Rocks the House

This past Tuesday afternoon, with plenty of Portledge fans in attendance, the 7/8 Girls Basketball team played a great game on the road at GreenVale. It isn't very often that visiting teams are victorious when they visit the Blue and Gold, so when these young LadyPanthers and their coach,Mr. Nick Woll, returned home with a win, everyone was quite impressed. Keys to the the girls success was some slick ball handling by 7th grade point guard Arielle Parris and some crucial foul shooting by Eve Shapiro. Shapiro made some shots at the end of regulation to send the game into OT, then made a few more during the overtime session to help secure the 2 point victory for Portledge. The girls played great team defense throughout the game as Justine Boisits and Ceci Mulry were all over the place grabbing a bunch of rebounds and preventing GV from establishing any offensive flow. Many of the team's 7th graders were part of last years undefeated 5/6 girls team and they are creating a real winning attitude surrounding their play. Congratulations girls and keep it up throughout the season. Please look for more postings about middle school sports following the holiday break as all the middle school teams get into action.

New Postings Coming Soon

It has been a busy few weeks in Portledge Athletics and I have been going to many games at various rinks and gyms. Unfortunately, I have not had the time to complete many postings, but I hope to get caught up starting this weekend. So check the blog out starting Sunday night the 16th, and throughout the holidays for lots of good stuff about the Panther teams.