Thursday, October 25, 2007

On A Roll With Work Left To Be Done/ Varsity Boys Soccer Finishes Regular Season and Looks Towards Playoffs

The IPPSAL Division I Boys Soccer League has made great strides over the last few years. The competition in this league has certainly improved, and any soccer fan can see that the overall play is of a higher quality. Still, the league fails to match up with the level of play in the other three metropolitan area leagues, whose top teams will make up the field in the NYSAISAA Boys Soccer Tournament. Thus, only one spot in the eight team field is reserved for an IPPSAL squad. The IPPSAL representative to the NYSAISAA Tournament is determined by the outcome of the IPPSAL playoffs. So, while the Portledge Panthers have dominated the regular season in IPPSAL play, reaching a mark of 9 wins, 0 losses and 1 tie, their ultimate goal of reaching NYSAIS is still a few hurdles away. All this might seem somewhat complicated and a bit unfair, however, the facts support the situation. Although Portledge has dominated IPPSAL play this fall, the Panthers are only 1-4-1 in non league competition. Other IPPSAL teams have fared similarly. The task facing the Portledge boys is to maintain their strong play into these elimination games, come out on top, and then make some noise in the NYSAISAA Tournament. This will be a great accomplishment for the Panthers and could ultimately serve to elevate the status of IPPSAL Boys Soccer. Just a little bit pressure......yes. To much for this excellent team to

How Did the Team Finish Off the Regular Season?

Following their Runner Up showing in the Portledge Invitational, the Panthers had four big IPPSAL games remaining. The team's performance in these games would determine their playoff seeding. The first match was away @ LuHi. This is always one of the toughest contests of the season, and this game was no different. After a hard fought but scoreless first half, the LuHi Crusaders broke through for the opening goal mid way through the second half. The Panthers were facing the possibility of their first league loss of the season. The Portledge team started to pick up their pace of play and before long the LuHi net was being peppered with shots. Finally, captain Ray Weinmann sent a free kick into the Crusader penalty area that Junior striker Trevor Wolfson directed to the back of the net. With the score tied 1-1 Portledge had the better of the chances as both Wolfson and Freshman Chris McCloskey broke in alone but were unable to score. The game ended in a draw and I think that both teams were satisfied with a hard earned point.

Next came a trip to LWA on that school's Homecoming Day. Building on the momentum of the big win earlier in the day by the Varsity Girls, the Panthers played some of their best soccer of the year on the way to a 4-3 win over the Tigers of LWA. Weinmann and Wolfson had two goals each as the big guns for Portledge were firing on all cylinders this day. Outside midfielders Renny Kraft and Nick Leask were very effective in pressing the Panther attack, and the defense was quite solid against a talented Tiger offense. The victory guaranteed that the regular season championship would belong to Portledge, and that the Panthers would have home field throughout the playoffs.

The last week of the season saw the Panthers take on the sides from Our Savor New American and The Waldorf School of Garden City. The Portledge team was victorious by scores of 2-0 in both matches. These wins established a undefeated mark in league play and created a strong sense of momentum leading into the crucial playoffs. The IPPSAL semi final v. Solomon Schechter will be played Friday, Oct 26th @ Portledge (2:00pm). The other semi final match pits LuHi @ LWA. The semi final winners will meet for the IPPSAL Championship and a berth in the NYSAISAA Tournament on Monday, Oct 29th @Portledge (2:00pm). GO PANTHERS! Bring home the IPPSAL crown.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Athletes of the Week

An exciting week of games and matches brings many great accomplishments for our Portledge Athletes. This week we are awarding three students with the title "Athlete of the Week". Congrats to Ellen Huai of Girls Varsity Tennis for her leadership and skills on the courts. Also to two Varsity Girls Soccer players, Monique Kelly and Ashley Gilchrist for their superb efforts against Lawrence Woodmere. Congratulations Girls!!!

Anxiety, Despair, Desperation and Joy/ Varsity Girls Soccer Finishes Regular Season League Play

Last Saturday the VGS team traveled to LWA to compete against their league rivals at the opponents Homecoming. It was the last home game for two exceptional seniors on the LWA team, Pammie Bonaparth and Domanique Robinson. These two excellent and classy athletes have been a dominant force in the PSAA Girls Soccer League over the last three years and were the leaders of last year's championship team. Making the game even more important, from the Portledge pespective, was the fact that Portledge had to win in order to avoid elimination from the PSAA playoffs. Thus, on this bright sunny day with the pitch a bit slick from the rain of the night before, the stage was set for an incredible afternoon of "football".

How Did the Game Unfold?

Throwing caution to the wind, Varsity Girls Soccer coach Mike Coope had the Portledge side configured in a very offensive formation. Having replaced a defender with speedy freshman point forward Alex DeVivo, Coope was going to try and outscore his talented opponents. The question was, would this daring gamble pay off? The game began with the LWA side pressing forward and putting the undermanned Portledge defense under great pressure. Sophomore goalie Chelsea Estevez was called upon several times during the early going to stop some legitimate chances on the Portledge net. Estevez, however, held strong through the early onslaught, and before long the game was going back and forth from end to end. Mid way through the opening half Sophomore half Monique Kelly corralled a ball in the center of the field. Seeing she had space, Kelly began carrying the "rock" forward towards the LWA penalty area. Confused by the overloaded offense, the LWA defenders let Kelly proceed close to the goal before someone finally left their mark to confront the wily orchestrator. Kelly chose the exact perfect moment to slip a deft ball through, to the now unmarked DeVivo, who quickly deposited it right into the back of the "ol' onion bag" giving Portledge a 1-0 lead and a momentary feeling of relief. The closing minutes of the half changed the entire mood though, as the tough LWA team registered back to back goals. The first came from a remarkable piece of dribbling and shooting on the the part of the dominant striker in the league, Domanique Robinson. After receiving the ball some 30 yards out, Robinson eluded two Portledge defenders before blasting one into the Lady Panther net. It was a definite statement to the Portledge girls that this was going to be a battle right to the end. Just before the halftime whistle things got a bit more bleak when the LWA star Pammie Bonaparth took over the game. The exceptional midfielder, whose older sister plays on the NCAA champion University of North Carolina Ladies Soccer team, put on a display of amazing skill as she weaved her way in and out of at least three Portledge players down the right sideline. When she eventually broke into the clear and unleashed a right footed rocket into the Portledge net, the Lady Panthers took on a look of gloom as they saw their season drifting away. The girls heard some encouraging words from their coaches though, and were soon back on the pitch and ready to challenge for another 40 minutes.

The Lady Panthers came out strong in the second stanza and before long equaled the score at 2. The goal came from a free kick along the right touch line that Mo Kelly accurately put to the far post. Waiting there was midfielder Addie Reilly, who adroitly headed the ball back across the net. Once again DeVivo was in the right spot at the right time as she headed Reilly's headed cross into the LWA net to even the game. At the 56 minute mark Portledge surged to a 3-2 lead
from a corner kick opportunity. Kelly, who was putting the ball right where she wanted to all day, sent a perfect corner across the LWA net and Sophomore Chelsea Caracciolo was there to finish it off. All the Portledge fans wondered if the Lady Panthers could hold their advantage over the last twenty minutes of play. Eight minutes later, in the 64th minute, the question was answered with a thunderous NO. The incredible Pammie Bonaparth let the Panthers have it again, as she buried a free kick from about 20 yards out into the side netting. The goal tied the score, and if the game were end this way, Portledge would be eliminated from the PSAA playoffs. So the entire season was riding on the last 12 minutes of play. Things looked bleak as the game entered its second to last 60 seconds. Then, Caracciolo made a dynamic run down the left side. Her attempted cross was deflected out by a LWA defender setting up a corner kick that almost certainly would be the last offensive opportunity for the Portledge girls. Mo Kelly took her time placing the ball and preparing herself for this last chance, knowing a good service was necessary. Kelly's kick was excellent, and it headed to the front of the LWA net. Somehow, Freshman Ashley Wade was able to find her way to Kelly's cross and knock it into the net. All of a sudden, and unbelievably, it had happened. Portledge was ahead and there was only a minute remaining. The clocked ticked down and the final whistle blew. The Lady Panthers were in the PLAYOFFS, having pulled off one of the biggest wins in the relatively short history of Portledge Varsity Girls Soccer. Congratulations girls, and good luck in the tournament. Come see the Lady Panthers as they face two strong non league opponents this week. On Wednesday @ HOME v.Poly Prep, and Friday @ HOME v.Riverdale.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

5/6 Soccer Teams Are Impressive v. East Woods

Last Thursday I did not travel with the 7/8 Soccer teams to their away games, so that I could get a could look at the progress of our 5/6 Girls and Boys Soccer teams. Both teams were taking on their opposing sides from East Woods, and what I found was that the competition, sportsmanship and general enthusiasm around the grounds were all at a very high level. Parents from both schools mingled with each other, and thoroughly enjoyed watching their children compete in programs that seem to emphasize all the right things about sports.

What Happened At the 5/6 Girls Game?

The Portledge 5/6 Girls Soccer team has come a long way since the early days of September. The squad's teamwork and spirit were both excellent on this day, as they played their way to a 1-0 victory over the green and white. Many individuals were particularly impressive, but what struck me the most was the way the girls supported each other with cheers and encouraging screams. 6th grader Lauren Dorsey was fantastic in goal. She turned away several good attempts by East Woods in the first half, before giving way to Nicole Alechman, who played some fine net during the second half. Once again, Claudia Ruiz provided the scoring as she finished off a nice passing play by the young Panthers. There were many fine performances on offense though. Grace Keough was creating opportunities all day from her wing position as was Elizabeth Gahagan. Also, the play of Mira Lerner in midfield was key in enabling Portledge to control the flow of play. The defense was solid in front of Dorsey and Alechman in denying East Woods many good scoring chances. Outstanding among this group were Ashley Herzig, Priyanka Ninan , Carley Tsiames and Imani Sewell. Congratulations to all the girls on this fine team. You have come a long way and all improved so much this fall season. In addition, I would like to commend the East Woods players and coach on their fine sportsmanship and play. The green and white was a pleasure to compete with on this day.

How Did the 5/6 Boys Game Go?

The 5/6 Boy's soccer game with East Woods was just as exciting as the girl's game. In fact, I still have a crick in my neck from turning my gaze too quickly from field to field every time I heard a loud cheer ring up. This was a fast paced contest between two solid and evenly matched sides. The play went from end to end, and the goalies of both teams were consistently called on to make great saves. James Anderson was particularly impressive in the goal for Portledge, in that he turned back several East Woods' chances that looked like certain goals. The game ended with East Woods on top by a score of 2-1, but really either side could have won this exciting match.
Patrick Byrnes continued his torrid scoring pace by getting the goal for Portledge. His fine play was supported by great hustle from Cameron Daniels and by some skilled dribbling and distribution from Ronel Juste. The sportsmanship on this field was just as apparent as it was on the girl's field. When the game ended players from the opposing sides spoke and congratulated each other on such a fine game. All in all it was a great afternoon on the Portledge pitches.

Monday, October 22, 2007

Welcome Alumni

This past week I received a comment from an alum who was really enjoying following the progress of the Varsity Soccer teams on the blog. That is great! A big reason I'm doing this is so that former players can remain connected to the programs they participated in. If you are an alum and you are following the blog, please send the link to your former teammates. Also, shoot me an email @ ( I would love to hear from any former Portledge athletes.