Friday, November 23, 2007

Varsity Girls Tennis Finishes a Great Season

What Happened in the IPPSAL Varsity Girls Tennis Championship?

Several vociferous readers have commented about the lack of a final posting on the girls tennis team. Well, all I can say is that I'm sorry not to have filled everyone in sooner, but there was no intent to slight any varsity team whatsoever. That being said, I would like to congratulate all the girls on the varsity tennis team on a wonderful season. With so many players graduating last spring the outlook for this fall's tennis team was not particularly bright, but the girls on the team didn't listen to the dark prognostications and simply worked hard to be best squad they could.
Under the guidance of the new varsity girls coach, Mr. Henry Stay, the team consistently improved throughout the fall. Seniors Ellen Huai and Sonali Marfatia, and Junior Siena Falino, provided excellent leadership throughout the season and a number of underclassmen rose to challenge of playing in varsity competition. Sophomore Elizabeth Girgenti had a fantastic season as a singles player and the doubles team of Wade-Scheinman was outstanding. This group's work ethic paid off in that they qualified for a place in the IPPSAL Championship against Long Island Lutheran.

The championship match took place at the Portledge courts and was a hotly contested affair. The LuHi #1 singles was able to defeat the Portledge #1, Ellen Huai, but Portledge rebounded with a victory at #3 singles by Siena Falino. After the two doubles matches were split, the championship came down to the only match still going. This was the #2 singles match and Portledge was represented by Elizabeth Girgenti. Lizzie played brilliantly and fought her opponent to the end, but unfortunately the final score of 8-6 was not in Portledge's favor. The Lady Panther tennis team will have many players returning for next year's campaign and hopes are high for another chance at the IPPSAL crown. Thanks again to Mr. Stay and congratulations to all the varsity girls tennis players on a great season.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow. Great work. Congrats on making it to the finals and thanks for posting it. Great job girls!