Sunday, October 14, 2007

So Close But So Far/ Results of the Varsity Boys Soccer Tournament.

The Portledge Panther Soccer team had not been to the finals of the tournament they host every year since the IPPSAL Championship season of 2003. So when the boys were able to advance to the championship game of this year's tournament it created a very exciting weekend on the pitch.

How Did the Boys Get to the Championship Game?

The semi final victory over Packer Collegiate was one the best, if not the best Portledge game in recent memory. Faced with a very skilled and organized opponent the Panthers played an extremely smart game. They did not chase the Packer players all over the pitch, but waited for the inevitable attacks, all the while keeping a disciplined defensive shape. This strategy depended on getting a great game in goal and this certainly was the case. Senior keeper Austin Prey was brilliant coming out of his cage to grab every Packer cross before an attacker could make contact with the ball. In front of Prey, the dynamic defensive duo of Juniors Aaron Lee and Mike McCloskey were solid as ever and the Panthers all around team defense was awesome. The game was 0-0 at half and the Portledge strategy was working perfectly. As the second half progressed the Panthers started to carefully counter when the opportunity presented itself. Eventually they found a opening when Sophomore half Mark Dourmashkin slipped through a hole in the Packer defense and entered the area with control of the ball. Before Dourmashkin could get off a shot though, he was brought down by a Packer defender. A hush fell over the crowd as Senior captain Ray Weinmann lined up the penalty. Then, after a bit of a stutter move, Weinmann deposited the ball right into the back of the"ol' onion bag" and Portledge had an improbable 1-0 lead. The last few minutes saw Portledge hold off several frantic Packer attacks and secure this most excellent victory. Celebration was jubilant but limited, because the team knew they must face a strong Fieldston team the next day.

The Fieldston game started off with the same excitement as the end of the Packer contest, with Junior Renny Kraft scoring minutes into the match. It was not to be a Portledge day though as the orange wave of Fieldston went on to take over the pitch. It was 3-1 for Fieldston when Senior Corey Axelowitz scored his first goal of the season to make it3-2 at the half. Three second half goals by the orange side guaranteed the result, and the Portledge boys were left feeling both positive and negative about the weekend. As a few days have passed, several of the players have told me that they are very happy about the Packer result, in that it was the first time in a decade that has Portledge defeated Packer, and that even though they were defeated in the championship game, they still feel a degree of accomplishment from the entire weekend. That's good, because they have abig week of league games coming up against LuHi and LWA. GOOD LUCK GUYS AND BRING HOME THE REGULAR SEASON CROWN!


Anonymous said...

Results spelled wrong CHECK SPELLINGS!!!

Anonymous said...

That's ok -- you wrote it right in the text. You are doing a great job...a few spelling mistakes here and there are perfectly fine!