Wednesday, September 19, 2007

A Miracle on the West Side

How Did the JV Boys Soccer Team Do in Their 2nd Game?

The JV Boys Soccer team bounced back from a loss in their initial game to earn a hard fought victory over the JV Boys team from Columbia Prep. The score was 1-0 and freshman Niko Snow certainly deserves praise for a fantastic job in the goal. Snow turned away several CP chances to keep the score even at 0 late into the game. As time was running down freshman Anthony Pergola,
known as a goal scorer from his Middle School days, got loose in the box and rammed home the game winner for the young Panthers. Coach Sandoval skillfully manipulated his substitutes in the closing minutes and Portledge went on to win by the1-0 score. After the game Coach Sandoval was talking to reporters when he said,
"my guys never give up...they keep on working no matter what the situation is, and their lucky to have a coach like me", once again I have taken some liberties with Coach Sandoval's real post-game comments, but I'm sure it went something like that. Congratulations to all the players on the team and good luck in your future matches.


Anonymous said...

goood job NIKOO=D

Anonymous said...

Why does Mr. Sandoval attract such a large media coverage?