Sunday, September 30, 2007

Founders Day Varsity Soccer Matches Live Up To Billing

The cloudless electric blue sky matched the trim of the Portledge Varsity Girls and Boys Soccer jerseys as they warmed up for their respective Founders Day contests against the Varsity teams from Lawrence Woodmere Academy. All involved knew that these would be some great matches and that the results would go a long way in determining the look of both the PSAA Girls Soccer League and IPPSAL Division I Boys Soccer. The games did not disappoint, and those in attendance were treated to some great "football".

What Happened in the Varsity Girls Match?
Right from the opening whistle the Portledge girls took to the offensive against the very tough and well disciplined side from LWA. The Lady Panthers had several great scoring chances early in the game as wingers Alex Siwiec and Chelsea Caracciolo consistently turned their defenders and drove in on goal. The unlucky bounces that had plagued the team in their last match against Columbia Prep continued though, as one Portledge attempt after another seemed to dance along the goal line, but not enter the net. Then, in a deflating blow, which definitely came against the run of play, LWA'S fantastic forward Domonique Robinson blew by the Portledge defense and fed a perfect pass to an unmarked winger who deposited the ball in the back of the Portledge net. Before the Portledge girls could regain their composure, Robinson was off again. This time she evaded several defenders on a dash down the right side and slotted a perfect shot past the Portledge keeper, Chelsea Estevez, giving the defending league champs a 2-0 lead. Portledge continued to control possession, but had little to show for it as the first half ended with the aforementioned score in place.
After a rising pep talk from assistant coach Kelly Luken, the Lady Panthers took the field for the second half determined to break their scoring drought and show the LWA team that they were a force to be reckoned with, not only on this afternoon, but later on down the road and quite possibly in the PSAA Girls Soccer Play-Offs. Portledge immediately pressed the play and before to long the home side was consistently drawing corner kicks down in the LWA penalty area. Finally, the girls broke through as Sophomore Addie Reilly banged in a loose ball from in front of the LWA goal. Suddenly the game was alive once again and the Portledge side pressed hard for the equalizer. The champs held off some furious Panther attcks though, and eventually demonstrated why they are so tough. After Portledge was called for a foul just outside the area
but all the way in the corner, the LWA captain and #9 stepped up and sent a beautiful direct kick into the corner of the Portledge goal, thus reestablishing the 2 goal lead. The Lady Panthers were not done yet though, and more players pushed forward in an attempt to once again draw close to their rivals from the South Shore. As time was winding down, Freshman winger Ashley Wade made a nice shielding move to free herself down the right side. Wade then sent a well struck cross into the area where Caracciolo drove the "rock" into the LWA net. The game was on again as the Portledge girls tried once more to draw even as the final minutes eroded. In the end, however, the strong Lady Panther effort was not enough, and the final whistle blew as the LWA girls celebrated a well earned and hard fought 3-2 win.
The Portledge Varsity Girls Soccer team definitely illustrated that they have the capability to play with what is arguably the best team in the PSAA league. It will be important for the girls to regain their focus and restore their energies before a huge game with Berkeley Carroll this coming Thursday. Hope to see you fans at what is always one of the best matches of the year!

How Did the Varsity Boys Soccer Team Do?
Coach Kevin Coleman has the VBS team on a roll. Coming off of an emotional 1-0 victory over LuHi earlier in the week, the Panthers were ready to state their case as the top boys soccer team in IPPSAL Division I. The LWA Varsity Boys team usually has something to say about such a statement though. Thus, the stage was set for what turned out to be a fine display of skill and teamwork from both these fine sides.
The key to this game was to be found in the midfield. Portledge Senior captain Ray Weinmann returned from his ankle injury to dominate the center of the field. He was supported by some fine play from outside half Nick Leask, and through some excellent and hard nosed defending from Junior Renny Kraft. Because of an injury to starting Senior back Alain Mathieu, the line-up had been shuffled a bit and Kraft had moved into the stopper spot. He excelled at his knew position and certainly was an important part of the eventual Portledge victory. Also key was the contribution of Sophomore Mark Dourmashkin,who vacated his stopper spot in favor of Kraft, so that he could to take the place of the injured Mathieu on the back line. Dormashkin combined with the other backs, Aaron Lee, Mike McCloskey and Vishal Chinchwadkar to form an impenetrable wall in front of the Portledge net. The only goal of the game came late in the first half as Portledge striker Trevor Wolfson broke through the LWA defense and perfectly slotted a shot past the keeper to put the Panthers in front.
Throughout the game the Portledge side demonstrated some excellent ball control, and their classy possession game frustrated the LWA team. If the Panthers can continue to improve and maintain their "teamwork", they certainly have the potential to win an IPPSAL crown in Division I Boys Soccer. There is a long way to go though, and the Panthers face two tough road tests this week against Solomon Schechter and OSNA. GO PATHERS!

Were There Any Other Soccer Games Played On Founders Day?
The response to this query is a big YES! After all the commotion had died down and most Portledge families had left the campus for the day, the most imporant soccer game of the year took place. This was the Annual Alumni-Faculty Game played on Founders Day afternoon every year. Although there were only a few fans in attendance, the competition was just as hot as the games played earlier in the day by current Portledge students. You see, the alumni don't like to lose to the faculty, and the faculty have never beaten the alumni, but are determined to one day do so. This is a no holds barred all out affair!
Like most years the faculty came out with some slick passing early on. Midfielders Mr. Coleman
and Mr.Lewis controlled the play, and just before half time yours truly sent a left footed rocket past the alums keeper, Walter Roll, and into the "back of the ol' onion bag". The inevitable collapse was not far off though. During the second half the dynamic sister-brother duo of Naomi and Julian Daniels took over the game. By the time Naomi, a former All MAAC Division I player at Loyola University, fired a 40 yard blast past the helpless Mr Sandoval to put the alums up3-1, the faculty was done. All retired to the Powers Courtyard for food and refreshments and the faculty was once again left to ponder,"when will we ever beat these guys". Well just like the Mets-there is always next year!


Anonymous said...

Would like to see postings for fifth and sixth grade soccer games(girls and boys)....
That way all the coaches gain acknowledgement for their efforts with their teams.

Anonymous said...

Founders Day VBS "GO PATHERS"??