Friday, September 28, 2007

7/8 Boys Soccer Remains Unbeaten

This was an excellent week for the 7/8 Boys Soccer team. They played Green Vale on Tuesday and Holy Child on Thursday, with both results being quite impressive.

What Happened in These 7/8 Boys Games?
When then 7/8 boys first saw their competition this Tuesday at GreenVale they were a bit intimidated. The blue and gold team was full of 9th grade boys, many of whom were of the very large variety. After a quick start by GV, the Portledge boys began to settle down and play some really excellent soccer. 8th grader Eric Diamataris was a rock on the back line where he was supported by fine play from wing backs "TJ" Roberts and Nick Lobley. During the last few minutes of the first half Portledge even carried the play, consistently threatening the Green Vale net. As the first stanza ended, however, the Young Panthers found themselves trailing by a score of 1-0. The powerful GV side went for the kill early in the second half but several outstanding saves from emerging team leader Ian Estevez kept the blue and gold at bay. Then, as time was winding down, 7th grader Danny Trentini stole the ball in the Green Vale end of the field. He was able to get off a cross that found center midfielder Justin Starrantino just above the eighteen. Starrantino avoided a defender's challenge and deposited a left footed rocket in the back of the GV net. The defense held throughout the rest of the game and the Portledge boys came out with a tie that felt like a win. Outside halfs Michael Bruschi and Brendan McGovern were both outstanding in this very hard fought match.
On Thursday the 7/8 boys travelled to Holy Child for their second road game of the week. After a back and forth first half during which both sides subbed liberally, the score stood a 0-0. The second half would be a different story though as the Panther offense, sparked by 7th grader Joe Sartori (2 goals), erupted for four talleys. 7th grader Myles Keyes played well b/w the pipes and Portledge went on to win 4-2. This puts the Young Panther's record at 2 wins, o losses and 2 ties. Keep up the fine team play boys,and good luck in your coming matches.


Anonymous said...

Are we going to have any reports on boys and girls 5/6 soccer?

Anonymous said...

Justin's shot was a left footed shot form out side the box

Anonymous said...

spelling: from