Monday, December 28, 2009

Hockey Sticks and Holiday Dinners

After my last blog posting there was a comment from longtime Portledge Hockey friend, Neil Bliss. Evidently Neil had been reading the preview of this year's Varsity Ice Hockey teams while he was watching a professional game. Low and behold two Portledge alums, Doug Murray '99 and Eric Nystrom '01 were both playing in the game. Neil's comment was that he couldn't believe that he was seeing former Portledge players in the NHL. When you really think about it, however, it makes perfect sense because these two individuals were part of some very important Portledge traditions. Things that have gone on since the school's early days, and are still happening today. An obvious tradition that both were part of is Ice Hockey. We have been playing Varsity Ice Hockey at Portledge School for almost a half century and I have mentioned many times all the great players that have been part of this tradition. Certainly Doug and Eric are included in this group. The thing about a tradition though, is that it goes on and on in perpetuity, meandering through strong showings and some meeker ones. Sometimes the meeker showings might actually be the most important, because of the effort it took just to keep the tradition going that year. This can be true of hockey programs, as well as family celebrations

I am blessed to be part of a great family that cares very deeply for one another. Some years we have had a small table at holiday time because people were living in other parts of the country or were traveling to see other friends & family, and sometimes we have had very large and boisterous tables where the conversations were so plentiful you could always find something to listen to and comment on. Many times the table was so large because we had included friends who were visiting, or we had extended an invitation to someone who didn't have anywhere to celebrate that year. Regardless of their size of the table, however, is the warmth, inclusiveness and dedication that those who participate always bring to the tradition .

Just as break started I traveled north to Boston to watch the Varsity Boys Ice Hockey team compete in the 39th Annual William E. Barber Tournament held at the St. Mark's and Middlesex Schools. To people at those schools this tournament is an important tradition and I was very proud that Portledge was being included this year. Free from the focus of being behind the bench I was able to mingle in the crowd of Portledge parents, and the parents and friends of our opponents, and see just how special everyone felt to be there. Just like the size of the holiday table, the strength of the Portlege Ice Hockey program has been evident at times and yet not so apparent at others. In some ways this is an inevitable cycle at small independent schools like ours, but at this time, during this celebration of ice hockey tradition in Boston, Portledge Hockey was not only alive and well, but dominating the competition in a way that would bring great pride to our community. We skated fast, moved the puck beautifully, played with tremendous support for each other and displayed outstanding overall sportsmanship. Every player who took the ice contributed to the whole, and those that did not get a chance to play were there with tremendous spirit every step of the way. The heartbreaking 7-6 overtime loss in the Championship game was not really a loss as much as it was a vital celebration of tradition because more important than who won or lost was that it added another great chapter to the ongoing story of this wonderful tournament and to the tradition of Portledge Ice Hockey.

Meanwhile, there was a storm brewing, which would eventually force myself and the Varsity Boys team to stop in Danbury, Conn for the night. This turned out great as I was able to go to the Canterbury School the next day and see the Portledge Varsity Girls team play for third place at the Mike Oronato Holiday Classic. This tournament is named after a beloved member of the Canterbury School community Michael Kevin "Mo" Oronato who passed away in 2007. Thus, I found myself right in the middle of a new tradition that was just taking shape, and one that the people at Canterbury School were giving great respect and pride. Once again I realized how our tradition of playing this incredible game was bringing us in contact with a whole new group of people and how the desire of people to include others was creating a great experience for these Portledge athletes.

As I was driving home my mind wandered through many subjects - one of them was Neil Bliss' comment about how incredible it was that these two former Portledge players were playing in the NHL. My thoughts turned particularly to Doug Murray who came to Portledge from Sweden for his Junior and Senior year. Doug wanted to go to college in America, but at that time he couldn't speak English too well, and was unknown to American college coaches. The Portledge community embraced Doug in a very inclusive way. Students spent time tutoring him in many subjects and helping him understand the language. When Doug's parents and siblings came to visit during the Holiday Break of his Senior year, I remember they commented about how much Doug felt a part of the Portledge community, and how good they felt about him being here. Portledge certainly played a big part in Doug's life as he was accepted to Cornell University, where he went on to captain the Men's Ice Hockey team.

Thus, there was a certain symmetry to the whole thing. Inclusiveness and Ice Hockey, two strong traditions at Portledge had both been a part of Doug's experience, and had also been a part of everyone's experience this past weekend . I am indeed happy that our Portledge athletes and coaches could join with all those participating at St. Mark's, Middlesex and Canterbury, also that Mrs. Schwam was smart enough to reserve some rooms in Danbury for us, and finally, that I was able to see so many of my family members and friends at our holiday table this year. I hope everyone has a great Holiday season...Happy New Years to all.... and we'll see you soon.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Expectations Are High / Short Previews of the Varsity Ice Hockey Teams

I guess it's only fair to start with last year's WIHLMA Champions - the Varsity Girls Ice Hockey team. As we enter the AS Era (that's short for After Siena) I can't believe I find myself saying that this year's team has the potential to be just as strong if not a bit stronger than last year's championship squad. With seven key players returning, and the addition of another excellent young defenseman and an exceptional goalie, whose to say another championship isn't in the cards. Coach Schwam will have to meld some beginners into a core of five experienced attackers. Junior Ashley Wade, a gifted offensive player with a knack for scoring big goals, will definitely have to lead the way. Alongside Wade will be Senior Addie Reilly who showed she could get the job done when she led the Lady Panthers to victory over Princeton High last year by scoring four goals in the the only game Captain Siena missed in six years. Junior Ali James will be looked upon to provide a bit more than last year, as she will probably be out there with Wade and Reilly quite a bit. More offensive punch should come from second line that will feature converted defensemen Erin Brand at center and tough Junior winger Maria Robbins. Both of these players were exceptional during last year's championship tournament and have the potential to exploit other teams second units. The sixth forward spot is still up for grabs with strong bids being put in by Junior Sophie Steele (the most improved skater in practice so far) and Sophomores Martine Krown and Alexandra Roll. My guess is that they will all get a chance to be important role players on what will be an improving attack as the season progresses. Also, look for a trio of seventh graders ( Grace Keogh, Sammy Horton, and Madison Weller) to make some appearances in non league games. The presence of these fine young skaters illustrates the development of some depth within the girls ice hockey program.

As we look to the defense we see the real strength of the team in Senior defensemen Chelsea Caracciolo and Emily Prey. These two have been as steady as granite for the Lady Panthers over the last few years and will both see a tremendous amount of ice time. They should also have the green light to rush the puck when the opportunity presents itself, thus giving the team another source of offense. The pair of Seniors will be joined on defense by smooth skating freshman Julie Devlin who is a newcomer to Portledge Hockey. Another new player that will be critical to the development of this team and the future of the program will be Freshman goalie Gabby Pilson. Judging from her play in practice the Lady Panthers have upgraded in goal and that only means trouble for the rest of WIHLMA, as last year's team was already the most stingy defensive squad in the league. Things get going this Monday, Nov 30th when the Lady Panthers host WIHLMA newcomers Rye Country Day in a 5:30 start at Beaver Dam.

After just squeaking above 500% last winter, this year's version of Portledge Varsity Boys Ice Hockey has coaches Coope and Sandos feeling very confident. The gregarious and exceptionally freindly duo has an early season two game win streak to support their positive attitudes. The Panthers rolled over Long Island powerhouse St. Anthony's by a score of 9-3 before traveling up to Westchester and beating the Rye Country Day Wildcats by a convincing margin of 7-0. The teams top two offensive lines are loaded with firepower as both trios keep the opponents defense scrambling in their own zone. Junior Tom Parise has been centering Sophomores Matt Crockett and Jesse Schandler, while Junior Ori Benyamini has been between Junior Matt Goldstein and Freshman Michael Conslato on these two offensive juggernauts. The coaches mix and match these players on several different power play combinations so you will not always see them in these forms, but these have been the steady top lines in five v. five play. The thing that makes this team very strong though is the existence of a hard nosed and effective third line that has really kept the pressure on opponents so far this season. This group has veteran Junior centerman Stephan DiBartolomeo between Freshmen Dylan Stewart and Junior Matt Janketic. Stewart and Di Bart also see special teams ice as Stewart plays some power play and Di Bart pairs with Benyamini as the top penalty killing duo. Meanwhile, Janketic's physical play has been vital. The converted defensemen gives the Panthers some thump in what is generally more of a skating line up. The depth goes on as Coach Coope started to work more players into the mix against Rye when he sent Junior Anthony Pergola out with Benyamini's line a few times and worked Sophomore Daylin Frantin in with the Parise line a bit. Then there is always the soft hands of Junior Hunter Lombardi and the hard nosed play of Junior Ryan Murray to turn to as the long season grinds on.

Senior Captain David Wilson returns for his last go round in the blue and white. Wilson is an excellent passer with an accurate shot that has developed a knack of producing the BIG HIT! Playing defense with Wilson is a pair of Juniors who really make everything else go, and set this year's Portledge team apart from any other since the late 90s. These exceptional players are Ron Fishman and Pat Condon. Both are incredible skaters who move the puck beautifully and in my opinion have Division I college hockey in their futures. Rounding out the defense are steady Sophomore Matt Sullivan, hard nosed Junior Ryan Gottfreid and a pair of smooth skating underclassmen in Sohpomore Andrew Reiter and Freshman Matt Meyer. Finally, we turn to the nets where Senior Captain Sal Magliocco returns between the pipes and is backed up by Sophomore Michael Bruschi who gained a great deal of experience when the Captain was out last year. In addition to all this, there is a recovering Kurt Krotz. The powerful forwards eventual presence will only make this exceptional group even stronger. The Panthers next play Friday night when they travel up to the Brunswick School in Greenwich, Conn to face Wyoming Seminary on neutral ice @ 6:00pm. Wyoming Seminary is a Division I team with a great deal of talent so this should be a real test for the boys. The team's next home game comes on Monday, Dec 7th when they take on Bergen Catholic down at Beaver Dam @ 5:30.

The Sweet Sounds,Sights and Smells of Winter Sports

I love winter sports season. There is just something about all the action taking place at all the various venues and the sheer number of programs going on that make it, in my mind, the most exciting season. A couple of the more subtle things though, little stuff that if you were moving fast with something else on your mind, you would simply miss all together, is what make it really special to me. For example, I love walking out of the Upper School building by either the Gilmour or Slanetz doors and seeing Wellington Gym all lit up and knowing that there is a basketball game going on. At first the horns and cheers are far off and barely discernible, but as you get closer and the door flies open to let someone out, you start to feel the energy coming from inside. Once you enter you immediately fade your steps to the right a bit so that you can catch a glimpse of the scoreboard and see how whatever Portledge team is playing is doing. Then your attention focuses onto the opposite sideline where the coaches are frantically pacing the court and yelling out plays and defensive formations for the competitors to execute. You take a glance at the scoring table to see which kind people might have volunteered to work the game. If this was last week, you might have seen Freshmen Eve Shapiro and Arielle Parris, or Miss Maielo, or even Eric Mathieu (that's right an alumni like Eric running the clock, not for community service or because he was a manager, but simply because he liked being part of what was going on there - he was in the action!

Now let's journey off campus down the road to Beaver Dam. After negotiating a treacherous and ridiculously thin Kaintuck Lane (name of the entrance road for those that might have never noticed), you eventually pull up to the elongated parking lot not believing how many people are already there, and are forced to take a parking spot that seems like it's a mile away. It's OK though, because you know what - the short walk to the rink only serves to heighten your anticipation about what you are coming to see. You feel the adrenaline well up inside you as you hear the pucks slamming into the boards below. The sounds tell you that warm ups are still going on and that you have timed your arrival just right for the drop of the puck. You wind your way down the wooden stairs and catch a brief smell of the log wood fire that is burning inside the clubhouse as you first see all the people lining the outside of the boards. Your adrenaline pumps a bit more as the teams come together around their respective goalies and give themselves a traditional cheer. Finally, before you know it, there you are watching some incredible, fast paced ice hockey, full of tremendous skating, crisp passing and hard hitting. Now that's exciting!!

Hopefully, you can see I'm just a little bit pumped for the next three months of Portledge sports action. If you have any questions about winter sports or Portledge Athletics in general that are in a constructive and positive tone, please feel free to comment after any posting, and I'll try to respond at the beginning of my next post, and PLEASE get in the action yourself by coming out to see a game - we'll be there!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Here Comes Winter Sports / Previews of the Varsity Basketball Teams

There is enough chill to the air that the amazing ice down at Beaver Dam is already hosting games, and at night, the lights of Wellington Gym shine out like a beacon alerting all around that their is some Basketball action going on. So here we go with the Winter Sports Season at Portledge School. We have a unique variety of Varsity offerings that range from the big four teams, Girls and Boys Basketball and Girls and Boys Ice Hockey, to the more boutique programs that make up the coed Fencing and Squash teams. The fencing program actually has several components that combine to make up the overall team.

Let's start today by concentrating first on Basketball.

Last year was an important one for the Varsity Girls team as it improved significantly under new Head Coach Skip Amadio. This season, with almost all of the significant players returning, the Lady Panthers have their eye on an IPPSAL Championship - something that the girls program has not achieved since the 1999 season. Wouldn't it be great to see our girls claim the title a decade after their last championship. Things pretty much start with Monique Kelly and Robyn Worrall, a talanted duo of senior guards. These two have been playing together for a long time and do a great job of handling the ball. Worrall can be deadly from outside when she is hot, and Mo Kelly is showing real confidence taking the ball to the hoop. She had 21 pts and 12 pts in the first two games , respecrively, for a 16.5% per game average so far. This type of back court scoring will be key if the girls want to build on their early season success. Inside there are the twin towers of Senior Akanksha Trivedi and Freshman Ceci Mulry. The two, over six footers, give the Lady Panthers a real presence under the hoop. Mulry went for twelve points and ten rebounds in Monday's 39-19 win over league rival Solomon Schechter, and certainly looks like she is going to have a big impact on the future of the girls program here at Portledge. The glue to the team is Senior swing player Claudia Rogers who is an expert defender with lightning fast reflexes that can play multiple positions. It doesn't matter whether she is playing guard or forward though, because she is consistently stealing the ball and disrupting the opponents offense. Senior Martian Juste is another player who can play guard or forward, and her incredible leaping ability gives Coach Amadio a nice option in the starting line up or off the bench. Junior guard Tatiana Parris has also found some playing time early on and provides another ball handler when needed. If Parris can learn to get her outside shot off at the Varsity level it will give the Lady Panthers another strong outside shooter. Right now the team's record stands at 2-0 and they will be @ Waldorf on Tuesday (5:00pm) and Home for Knox on Wednesday(4:15) during the upcoming week, before competing in the always challenging Martin Luther Tournament next Saturday and Sunday.

On to Varsity Boys Basketball and the debut season of new Head Coach Nick Woll. Enthusiasm and excitement are the terms that best describe Woll's practice sessions as he consistently puts the Panthers through tough and fast paced workouts. Up tempo basketball will be the emphasis as Woll tries to blend some experienced players with some fresh faces to the Varsity Team. Senior swingman Mark Dourmashkin is the most experienced player on the team and he returns for a fourth Varsity season without a championship so far. It would be great to see this exceptional athlete lead the team all the way to an IPPSAL crown in his last season on the wellington Gym hardwood. Right along side will be Senior transfer Christian Sbarro. The sleak, but powerful Sbarro has shown in pre season that he can do everything on the floor and certainly gives a big boost to the overall talent level of this interesting team. Probably the most important player to the ultimate fortunes of this pride of current Panthers is Senior center Ben Shapiro. If Ben can play with dominance inside and free up Dourmashkin and Sbarro for open looks on the perimeter, this will be a tough group to defend. Another key will be the play of Senior guard Jon Brailsford. Patiently waiting to play big minutes for a long time, Brailsford will get his chance this winter to hopefully lead the Panthers all the way. A variety of underclassmen provide Coach Woll with some depth, but we will have to see which of them emerge to play significant roles during the season. An opening night win over St. Demetrios from Queens, NY was a step in the right direction, but we will learn more about the Pathers when the suit em up exactly opposite the girls this week with a game Tuesday at Home v. Waldorf (5:00pm) and another contest Wednesday @ Knox (5:30) as part of a double header with the JV Boys team. Then next Saturday and Sunday, the 5th and 6th, come tough games at the Martin Luther Tournament where Portledge has failed to win a game in several years.

Monday, November 2, 2009

A Game to Remember!

Last Thursday night's PSAA Girls Varsity Soccer Championship Game which pitted The Portledge Lady Panther Booters v. the Lady Lions of Staten Island Academy was an athletic contest that will certainly be remembered for a long time. It was a physical match that somehow the refs managed to keep just on the edge of out of control, but still relatively safe for the players, as well as an illustration of excellent soccer skill and tactics demonstrated by both sides. Portledge's 1-0 sudden victory in double overtime made the game a very happy memory for everyone involved in Portledge athletics but in reality this contest was something of which both teams should be proud. The final result could just as easily gone the other way in what was an up and down affair, and both sides left everything they had on the field. Congratulations to the players on both Portledge and Staten Island for playing in what was one of the greatest games in the history of Portledge athletics.

Where does this game rank in the list of great Portledge games?

After giving this question some real thought, the conclusion reached is that it belongs in the top three Portledge games of all time. Back in the late 1990s there were a series of tremendous Varsity Boys Ice Hockey games. Victories over the Hill School, Lawrenceville, Millbrook, New Hampton, Pingree, Pomfret and others. While they were all extraordinary in their own way, they seem to blend together in an era of great Varsity Boys Ice Hockey play. There have also been mumerous Varsity Boys Soccer games that can be remembered with tremendous fondness. Just last year there was a thrilling 2-1 win over Packer that was exceptional and went a long way in establishing the quality of the current Boys Soccer Program. It is to the girls, however, that one has to give the top three spots, along with an honorable mention to last year's NYSAISAA Championship lacrosse game as fourth. They are in no specific order because they were all amazing. We'll go first with January, 2007 Portledge Varsity Girls Ice Hockey @ Lawrenceville. Junior captain Siena Falino scores seven goals to lead the Panthers to a 9-8 overtime victory. Certainly the greatest individual achievement in Portledge sports, thus consideration as the greatest game. Next, one would go to late October, 2004 Portledge Varsity Girls Soccer @ Lawrence Woodmere Academy in the last game of the regular season with a play off spot on the line for the winner. Tied throughout the second half the game was decided in the last minute when then Freshman Alex Siwiec sent a beautiful cross into the box only to see Junior Monica Mangani bycicle kick the ball over her head into the LWA net. The girls made the PSAA play offs for the first time and this great run of Girls Soccer had begun. Lastly we come to last weeks Championship Game in Varsity Girls Soccer v. SIA. The inclusion of this game is based on all the hard work put in by a group of girls who have been playing soccer together for four years. The game and the team is so special because of the thunderous sweeper play of Claudia Rogers - who decided to make a sacrifice for the team by playing in the back and went on to earn Tournament MVP for her sheer dominance of the championship game - and because of the determination of Chelsea Caracciolo - who basically playing on one foot made run after run up the left side until she came onto the perfect ball and neatly netted it into the SIA goal for sudden victory - and becuase of the tenacity of Addie Reilly who along with Monique Kelly and Denise Mikalev battled the SIA players in midfield all game long. We could go on and on to mention the savvy of Natalie Flammia or the all out effort of Natalie Gray, or what about the key saves delivered by goaltender Chelsea Estevez. In the end though, I can honestly say that I have never seen two teams go at each other like this and that's what makes this one so special! WAIT - I forgot all about the hockey rivalry with Mo Beard...........

Sunday, November 1, 2009

"Glory Days"

To say that things came together this fall in Portledge Athletics would be an understatement. In an unprecedented show of gender balance, our Varsity Girls and Boys Soccer teams both captured the regular season championships of their respective leagues and earned automatic bids into the NYSAIASAA Soccer Championship Tournaments. Since then the Varsity Girls have gone onto win the PSAA Post Season Tournament Championship with two incredible 1-0 victories over long time rivals Berkeley Carroll and Staten Island Academy. On the Boys side, even though they suffered a heart breaking defeat to Lu Hi in the final of the IPPSAL Post Season Championship Tournament, their regular season title was their third straight and speaks volumes about the consistently high quality of Head Coach Kevin Coleman's Varsity Boys Soccer program. In addition to these tremendous soccer accomplishments, the Varsity Girls Tennis team captured its second consecutive, and thirteenth overall, IPPSAL Girls Tennis Championship. The Lady Panther Netters were only able to continue the trend of Portledge dominance of IPPSAL Girls Tennis because of exceptional Senior leadership on the part of Robyn Worrall, Elizabeth Girgenti and Stephanie Hegarty. The success of the athletic program at Portledge does not stop there though as the Middle School soccer teams enjoyed a very successful year in competition against our local day school rivals from Green Vale, Buckley, Holy Child and East Woods. The 7/8 Boys Soccer team led the way with a 7-2-1 overall mark that was highlighted by some tremendous play throughout the fall. Not only did the team have a exceptional group of attackers in Ronel Juste, Cameron Daniels, Kyle Flowers David Anderson and Solomon Hur, but the cadre of deep players made up of the Roel brothers, Jimmy and Tommy, stopper Sam Lerner and sweeper Zak Kleinwaks were stingiest defense in memory. Behing all this there was goaltender par excellence Patrick Byrnes. As team leader Byrnes consistently made incredible saves look easy as he was a rock in the Panther nets. Many great keepers have worn the Portledge crest, but Patrick Byrnes has the opportunity to go on and be the not only the strongest goaltender in Portledge history, but possibly one of the finest soccer players we have ever had at this institution. The 7/8 Girls team won several games this fall and showed a marked improvement in their overall play. Head Coach Miss Maiello will have most of her team returning next year and with the addition of a few more pieces from an also improved 5/6 Girls program should be very hard to beat in the fall of 2010. While the 5/6 Boys Soccer team, Middle School Coed Cross Country team, and Varsity Coed Cross Country teams are all still developing programs, there is no shortage of effort on behalf of their players to make those teams as strong as possible Thus, it is with a great amount of appreciation and congratulations that we commend all the Portledge fall sports players and coaches on a fantastic 2009 fall sports season. Special thanks also go out to all the parents and faculty who came out and supported our athletes this fall. Lastly, please give our Varsity Soccer players, both girls and boys, a wish of good luck as they prepare to compete in the state independent school championships coming up this week. The boys will play first on Wednesday, Nov 4th @ Randall's Island - Field # 70 (3:45pm) in a round of 16 game v. Lycee Francais of NYC. If they can secure a positive result, they will be back at Randall's Isaland the next day to face 2nd seeded UNIS. The Varsity Girls team will move right to the quarter finals when they face 2nd seeded St Ann's of Brooklyn on Thursday, Nov 5th at 3:45 at either the Red Hook or Aviator Field complex. Please feel free to check the homepage of for more details as those contests draw closer. You can also learn a bit more about Portledge Athletics as Hey Hills goes on to answer a question we have heard a lot lately!

How is it that Portledge is experiencing so much success lately in its athletic programs?

The one thing that has become apparent during this exciting run of athletic accomplishments at Portledge is that, while hard work does not guarantee victory, it certainly does consistently put you in a position to achieve great things, and that if you put yourselves in that position often enough, you gain the type of experience, that when coupled with hard work, brings success. That's certainly a lot to say in one sentence and I'm not sure if it's even grammatically correct - I guess I'll have to check with someone in the English Dep't - but I do know that it is emphatically true. Portledge has enjoyed many periods of athletic bloom. During the late 1980s Boys Soccer and Lacrosse, and Girls Tennis were all having a great deal of success and establishing themselves as foundational blocks in the Portledge Athletic program. The 1990s saw Boys Tennis go through a boom and the Varsity Boys Ice Hockey team reached tremendous heights as it consistently defeated very strong prep opponents from around the country and was a team on which future NHL players honed their skills. This latest round of progress and growth in Portledge Athletics really began six tears ago when Michael Coope challenged a group of girls soccer players to work harder than they ever had athletically and to come together as a group as they never has before. The result, in only the fourth year of the programs existence, was a trip to the PSAA Girls Soccer Championship and the realization that hard work, and commitment to each other, could certainly breed success and put you in position to achieve great things. Since then we have seen the Girls Basketball program challenge for championships behind the relentless play and exceptional leadership of Emily Edwards Bourdrez, the creation of a Girls Ice Hockey and Baseball programs and in the case of Girls Ice Hockey its ultimate evolution to championship status. All of these developments have beeen powered by the hard work of players and coaches and their commitment to the success of our programs. Now that we are getting to these lofty places more often, we know how to prepare and how to act once we are there. So whether you are a girls or boys ice hockey, basketball, soccer, tennis, lacrosse, baseball or softball player - be ready to work, have a great overall experience and ultimately achieve some great things of your own.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Blog is Back in Town

Hi everyone - it's been quite some time since I took some time to blog about my favorite topic of Portledge Athletics. That said, I have no excuse to offer other than I was fairly busy last spring and wherever creative juices come from, they had temporarily stopped flowing in me. Now that a new year of athletic competition is under way, however, it appears that my mojo is back and I'm ready to go. So as they say, " here it goes"!

What are people saying about the Varsity Girls Soccer team?

Well let's start with the Varsity Girls team because I've spent a bit more time with them so far this fall. Anytime you have you have the option to start eight Seniors you obviously have a team with tremendous experience. This is certainly true about the Lady Panthers as half their players will be earning their forth Varsity letter in Girls Soccer this fall. These seniors are spread out throughout the formation as coaches Coope and Luken seemed to have settled on a 4-3-3 set up. The middle three will be playing in a triangle with Senior Monique Kelly advanced on the point just behind three forwards coming from a some combination of Seniors Addie Reilly and Marian Juste, Juniors Ashley Wade and Tatiana Parris, and Freshman winger Erica Cohen. Right behind Monique, completing the midfield triangle, will be the central midfield pair of Seniors Claudia Rogers and Chelsea Caracciolo. All three players have a green light to join the attack and the coaches feel that this Senior midfield triad can potentially dominate against any other central grouping in the league. As of now, the defense will be a flat back four manned by seniors Natalie Grey and Natalie Flammia on the left and right flanks, respectively, with a pair of traditional center backs comprised of Sophomores Alexa Lodenquai and Denise Michalev. Returning letter winner, Freshman Ceci Mulry, should be able to fill in anywhere in the midfield or on the back line and will give Coach Coope a small amount of flexibility as the season wears on. Lastly, we have Senior keeper Chelsea Estevez between the pipes. As a starter for the last two seasons Chelsea has been in goal for many big contests including numerous PSAA Playoff and NYSAISAA Tournament games. So there shouldn't be anything coming Chelsea's way that she hasn't already seen during what has been an overall excellent career. Thus, here are the ifs......if Reilly can maintain her past scoring output and get some production help from another forward or two, if the midfield triangle concept works and teams cannot disect which midfielder will be coming forward, and if the back four set up can support the attack and while maintaining solid defense.....then the Lady Panthers might have a rare opportunity to play for a PSAA league championship. COME ON OUT THIS THURSDAY as the girls open their season with a tough match against Friends Academy @ Home on the Lower Field (4:30pm)

Can the Varsity Boys Soccer Team Continue Its Streak of Excellent Seasons?

The last few years have certainly been interesting ones for Head Coach Kevin Coleman and the Portledge Varsity Boys Soccer team. Two straight first place finishes in IPPSAL Division I Boys Soccer regular season play have led Panthers to consecutive NYSAISAA Tournament appearences for the first time in the school's history. Last year that appearence was in the form of a #4 seed - again a first in school history. The other side of the coin, however, is that not only have both those NYSAISAA appearences been of the one and done variety, but the team has also failed to capture an elusive IPPSAL Championship, although twice being seeded first in the playoffs. So we have some questions coming into what should be another very exciting season. Can the squad duplicate its regular season dominance and secure more home dates for IPPSAL Championship and NYSAISAA Tournament play, and even more importantly can they then go on to the next level by winning some of these intense late season clashes. The team's showing late last season in a very competetive Portledge Tournament that saw the Panthers gain victories over perennial NYSAISAA Tournament squads from Packer Collegiate and Columbia Prep is a real reason to believe that this group of players is maturing and has the depth to produce a truly memorable season.

Coach Coleman is taking a big chance in listening to the desires of his players as he moves steady defender Vishal Chinchwadkar out of the back line up into midfield. This could back-fire, or it could give the Panthers the explosiveness you need at the highest levels. Either way it will leave Seniors MJ Shin and Bashir Desgrottes, and Sophomore Eric "Dima" Diamataris, with a good deal of work to do in order to maintain a solid defense. They should get great support, however, from the team's pair of very experienced keepers, Seniors Dan Leask and Ben Shapiro. Chinchwadkar will be joining an already potent midfield comprised of the Dourmashkin brothers, Senior Mark and Junior Steven, along with Junior Nic Leask, who is arguably the most skilled and polished player on the field. Up front, Junior Chris McCloskey will try to keep up the tremendous scoring he contributed as a 9th and 10th grader. This will not be easy though, as Chris' strike partner of the last two years, Trevor Wolfson, has departed for college. The first chance to secure a spot alongside of McCloskey will go to Junior Anthony Pergola. Anthony is a very tricky player with a sly and deft touch. He was an excellent complimentary forward in junior high, and had a very solid season with the junior varsity team last fall. Needless to say, LET'S GO PANTHERS!!! Come on out this Wednesday afternoon when the Vrasity Boys Soccer team will open their season at HOME v. Tevor Day School on Sawyer Field @ 4:00pm.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Faculty beat Varsity 71-68!!

The Varsity Basketball teams took on the Portledge Faculty again this year. Congrats to the "more experienced" faculty who defeated the poorly coached (by Phil Hills) Varsity teams. Playing for the faculty were Mr. LaFlair, Mr. Woll, Mr. Sandoval, Mr. Hahn, Mr. Amadio and Ms. Maiello (game MVP).

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Like Climbing a Mountain / Six Years After Starting From Scratch Portledge Varsity Girls Hockey Are Mid Atlantic Interscholastic Champions

Like the old song says," you just have to put one foot in front of the other". This is the strategy that was adopted by Portledge School over seven years ago when it was decided that a girls ice hockey program should be created. The first discussions come to mind very easily, as I remember someone saying,"we will build slowly... and in five or so years we will have girls playing in the Middle as well as in the Upper School, and we will be playing for the championship of whatever league we decide to join". Thanks to the efforts of our former Headmaster, Huson Gregory, our current Head of School, Steve Hahn, former Head Coach, Kelly Weideman, and most recently, current Head Coach Zoe Schwam, this has all come true. This past Sunday afternoon the Portledge Varsity Girls Ice Hockey team stepped out of Locker Room #1 at the Lisa McGraw Rink, on the campus of Princeton Day School, to play the Varsity Girls team of the Morristown Beard School for the Mid Atlantic Interscholastic Championship. At the same time the Portledge Athletic Dep't is expecting at least 15 young ladies to participate in the Middle School Ice Hockey program next winter, and this is a conservative estimate considering we had 11 girls playing in the Middle School this past winter. Isn't it amazing how some strategies stand the test of time, and how the some people's words turn out to be quite prophetic!

What Happened in the WIHLMA Championship Game?

Both Portledge and Morristown were coming off of hard fought wins in the semi finals. Portledge, the tournament's #1 seed had a surprisingly difficult time getting passed a determined group of girls from the Hill School. The Hill team does have the league's top goaltender and boosted by her fine play, the Hilltoppers found themselves only trailing the mighty Lady Panthers by one entering the third period. The Portledge girls, however, were equally determined to make this their weekend, and send their leader, Senior captain Siena Falino, out as a champion. Thus, the third period turned out to be a Panther blitz, as Falino and her mates turned up the speed of play a notch or two and netted three straight goals on the girls from Pottstown, PA.

In the second semi final the tournament's other favorite, the Crimson Ladies of Morristown Beard, faced an even greater challenge to advance from the Shaddy Side Varsity Girls from Pittsburgh, PA. Shaddy Side's incredible #10 banged in two quick goals to give the underdogs a formidable 2-0 early game lead. Slowly but surely though, the Morristown girls clawed their way back into this hard fought contest. The score was tied at two mid way through the third period when Mo Beard finally took the lead for good at 3-2. So both of Sunday's final contestants had been tested and had come through. Now we would settle once and for all the question of who was the best girls interscholastic hockey team in the mid atlantic region, The Portledge Lady Panthers, or the Crimson Ladies of Morristown Beard.

I once heard someone say that Princeton had given two great gifts to amateur ice hockey, Hobey Baker and Harry Rulon Miller. I reflected back on that statement as the venerable Mr. Rulon Miller took the microphone to introduce the teams competing in the WIHLMA Championship. In his most gravely and gargled voice, Harry wished both teams the best of luck, then eloquently and ever so simply stated,"play ball"!! These two teams took that simple statement to heart, as they both attacked the game with a youthful exuberance that literally shook the building. Up and down the ice they went, trading scoring chances and fine defensive plays from end to end. Little by little the territorial advantage started to slide towards the Lady Panthers as they consistently kept the puck in the Mo Beard end. The Portledge defensemen, Emily Prey, Chelsea Caracciolo, and 8th grader Erin Brand fearlessly pinched down the boards time and again denying the Crimson Ladies a respite from the growing pressure on their goal. Finally, half way through the second period, after 22 minutes of scoreless and tension packed play, the nervous tie was shattered as Portledge Sophomore winger Alyssa Parke came out of the corner in control of the puck and deftly snapped a wrister into the top corner of the Mo Beard net. A jubilant celebration by the Lady Panthers followed, and for a moment all seemed right in the world...but just for a moment!

Before the Portledge girls had the chance to get really comfortable with the lead a questionable penalty was called on Falino during a scrum in front of the MB net. The Crimson took advantage of the ensuing power play to tie the score at one. The Morristown goal came on a blistering slap shot by the Crimson's dominant offensive player, Sarah Beyerdorf. As the second period ended with the score tied at one, everyone in attendence realized that they were in for something really special because the third period would determine the WIHLMA champ, and what a period it would be!

Right from the drop of the puck the Lady Panthers were flying. Falino attempted rush after rush into the Mo Beard end, only to be efffectively steered away from the Crimson net by a well prepared Mo Beard defense. Every once in a while the Crimson managed to get off a shot at the Portledge goal, but they were usually from off angle and were easily handled by the Lady Panther's keeper, Sophomore Olivia Rivera. A side note on the weekend is that Rivera played solid throughout both games, providing a calm and cool presence in the Portledge net during some highly stressful situations. As the game was winding down and the coaches were beginning to think about the possibility of overtime there was a break. A Mo Beard turnover right at the Portledge blue line left Junior Addie Reilly with the puck just as speedy Sophomore winger Ashley Wade started to break down the ice. Reilly feathered a perfect pass between the Crimson defendrs and all of a sudden Wade was in alone. The crowd rose to their feet and witnessed Wade pull the puck to her backhand side before slyly slipping it through the ol' five hole and into the net. Over the last three minutes the Lady Panthers resisted a furious charge by the Morristown girls and finally, after what seemed like forever, the final horn sounded. This championship culminates a dream that people had and a tremendous amount of work by a very special group of girls. One girl, in particular, has strived for six years to put Portledge on the Girls Hockey map. The exceptional Miss Falino can now move on to Northeastern University for the next stage of a very special hockey career satisfied that her contributions to Portledge Girls Hockey did establish a program that is now recognized throughout the region. Congratulations to Siena, Head Coach Zoe Schwam, all the girls on this years incredible team and all the girls who have played for, and contributed to, this special program over the years!! WAY TO GO LADY PANTHERS!!!!

Sunday, February 22, 2009


Congrats to the Varsity Girls Hockey team who defeated Morristown-Beard 2-1 to capture the WIHLMA Championships. Pictured to the left is Senior Captain, Siena Falino who finished off her spectacular career with this Championship. Congrats to Siena -- she will be missed.

7/8 v. JV Games -- JV's WIN

MVP's of the the Girls game was freshman Lisa Dourmashkin and in the boys game two players were selected, sophomore Ben Lobley and freshman Zach Pilson. Congrats to all who competed in these hard fought games. Special thanks to coaches for hard work getting these teams into shape; Mr. Woll (JV Girls), Ms. Maiello (7/8 Girls), Mr. Clark (JV Boys), and Mr. LaFlair (7/8 Boys).

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Crazy Days/ The Last Two Weeks Prove to Be Full of Surprises as Porledge Upper School Winter Sports Start to Whind Down

As I sat watching the Varsity Boys Hockey team fight back from a two goal deficit and gain an improbable win a week ago Monday against Seton Hall, I had a feeling that the next few weeks would be full of more surprises, including a host of fantastic finishes and great performances. It did not take long for that craziness to kick in, as on Wednesday, Feb 5th when the buses carrying the Varsity Hockey teams to separate game venues broke down almost simultaneously during their respective journeys. As the frustrated coaches spoke with each other via cell phone, repair crews and, in the case of the girls trip, a new bus were dispatched. When the girls team finally arrived at their destination, the Twin Oaks Ice Rink, they found their most heated rival, the Crimson girls from Morristowm Beard, waiting for them.

This installment in the Portledge/Mo' Beard Girls Hockey rivalry did not disappoint anyone in attendance as the teams ferociously battled each other on the way to a 2-2 tie. The Lady Panthers skaters were forced to come back twice from 1-0 and from 2-1. In doing so they continued to display the heart and determination that has become their hallmark. A week later, playing the first game in the program's history without consummate team leader Siena Falino, the now even younger Lady Panthers found themselves trailing a fired up Princeton High team by a score of 3-1 entering the third period. The Lady Tigers were being boosted by hundreds of fans who had come out to support their team on Senior night. Once again the Portledge girls showed that giving up is not part of their make up. Riding an amazing individual performance by Junior forward Addie Reilly the Lady Panthers came storming back to win the game 5-3 and lock up first place in the WIHLMA regular season. Reilly scored the first four goals for the Lady Panthers that night at Hobey Baker Rink as she tallied once in the second and three straight times in the third period. This was a memorable performance in yet another remarkable girls hockey season. Just last night the Varsity Girls Hockey team finished out their regular season with a 7-0 win over Pingry. It ran the team's WIHLMA regular season unbeaten streak to 17 games and was marked by the first time notation of Sophmore sensation Sophie Steell on the scoresheet. The team first oriented winger scored the first two goals of her Varsity Girls Hockey career in the win. The squad will now start preparing for the Mid Atlantic Championship Tournament which will be played at Princeton Day School the weekend of Feb, 21st & 22nd. I know Coach Schwam and the girls would love to bring home the WIHLMA Championship Banner and we wish then the best of luck in their endeavor!

Meanwhile the twists and turns of the Varsity Boys season continues to illustrate the revival of boys ice hockey at Portledge School. The team currently has a record of 9 wins, five loses and 1 tie. This is a real turnaround from the consecutive string of losing seasons that has dominated the middle of this decade. The team's record would probably be even stronger had it not been for a serious season ending injury to team captain and starting goalkeeper Sal Magliocco. The Panthers are 2-3 since the injury and while Freshman Michael Bruschi has been courageous, and a welcome surprise between the pipes, it's not the same as having your best player in there. That being said, what a job Bruschi has done! The kid deserves tremendous credit for the poise and determination he has displayed during this challenging experience. Games with Division I Hill School and cross town rival Locust Valley High remain to be played before the team travels north to Millbrook, NY to compete in the season ending Empire Cup. Over the years Portledge has reached the unofficial state championship final twice, but has never captured this prestigious trophy. The Panthers will give it another go on the weekend of February, 27th & 28th, and , thus, we wish coaches Coope and Sandos, and all the guys on the team, the best of luck for a strong finish to the season.

As for the hardwood it's definitely the Varsity and JV Girls Basketball teams that are making the most noise. Both squads, in complete reversals from the poor seasons of last winter, qualified for the playoffs in their respective leagues, IPPSAL and PSAA. The vigilant coaching job turned in by Mr. Amadio with the Varsity, and Mr. Woll with the JV, can definitely be viewed as changing the tone of the program. All the girls put in a great deal of work, both on individual skills and on team play, and all this paid off in some very successful seasons. The Varsity team led by a host of Juniors finished with an overall mark of 14 wins and 6 losses, and a league record of 13 wins and 3 losses. They made the IPPSAL play offs for the first time in four years and were eliminated by a tough OSNA team in a hard fought semi final game. As for the JV, after a winless campaign last winter, and being made up of many of the same girls, the team completely turned things around to finish with 5 wins and 7 losses. They were victorious over Martin Luther in a PSAA Girls JV Basketball Quarterfinal game and were eventually eliminated in the league semi final by Long Island Lutheran. Strong foundations have been built for many years of great play in Upper School Girls Basketball here at Portledge. A well deserved congratulations goes out to all those involved!!

Hey Hills will be back next week with some wrap ups of both Fencing and Squash. See you all then!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Everyone's Doin Something/Amazing Individual Efforts Lead Panther Skaters to Victory

Freshman goaltender Michael Bruschi was supported by a strong team effort and some incredible individual performances by Sophomores Ori Benyamini and Ron Fishman, and Freshman Matt Crockett in leading the Portledge Panthers to victory over long time rival Seton Hall Prep in Varsity Boys Ice Hockey. Bruschi was starting his second game in goal after taking over for injured captain Sal Magliocco. He looked more comfortable than he did v. Morristowm last week and made some big saves down the stretch to preserve the victory. This result was made possible by a memorable Panther comeback. Trailing 3-1 with time winding down in the second period, the Portledge skaters came together to produce some fast paced and exciting hockey that propelled them to an unlikely victory.

The comeback started just before the end of the second when Freshman winger Jesse Schandler ripped one of his patented inside out slap shots past a surprised Pirates keeper to bring Portledge within one. Then in the third period Portledge turned up the heat and started coming at the Seton Hall defense in swarms. Before long Freshman Matt Crockett found himself battling for position in front when the puck was centered to an area around his feet. Although he was tied up by a Pirate defender, Crockett kept working and managed, as he was on his way down to the ice, to slip the loose puck into the Seton Hall net. Crockett celebrated while sitting on the ice and the score was remarkably tied. The game went up and down as both teams had some chances, but with about 5 and a half remaining a Portledge player was tripped up in center ice and the Panthers went on the power play. During the man advantage Sophomore Ron Fishman made an incredible end to end rush eventually slashing into the Seton Hall zone. After eluding a Pirate defender, Fishman sent a rocket snap shot into the upper right corner and amazingly Portledge had the lead. The Panthers still had to kill off some man down situations, but that was deftly handled by the Sophomore duo of Steven Dibartolomeo and Ori Benyamini with a significant contribution from Freshman Brendan McGovern. Bruschi made some nice saves as the clock wound down, and after Benyamini put one in the empty net, this solid victory was complete. Good luck to the Panther skaters as they take on the Bruins of Brunswick School, in Geenwich tonight, before returning home next Monday for 5:30 face off with Rye Country Day.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Ladies Night/ Varsity Girls Basketball and Varsity Girls Hockey Both Rock On

Girls sports at Portledge continue to dominate the headlines. Last Wednesday night was a prime example as the Varsity Girls Basketball team had a huge win over previously unbeaten in league play LWA, and the Varsity Girls Hockey team extended its regular season unbeaten streak in WIHLMA play to an incredible 15 games.

Lately you can just see the Varsity Girls Basketball team coming together. Their practices are upbeat and productive, and the girls seem quite focused on the task at hand, which is to get better with each passing game. That was certainly the case when hosted the LWA Lady Tigers on Wednesday. LWA came into the game unbeaten in IPPSAL play, but left Wellington Gym sporting their first league loss. The Lady Panthers made 7 out of 8 free throws in OVERTIME to secure a hard fought 33-25 victory. The Portledge girls have locked up an IPPSAL Girls Basketball play off spot, and are now fine tuning their play in hopes of pulling an upset over either LWA or OSNA, and thus reaching the IPPSAL Championship game. The Junior class quartet of Captains Mo Kelly and Akanksha Trivedi, Robyn Worrall and Claudia Rogers ccntinues to lead the teams play. Kelly and Trivedi are scoring consistently and Rogers is fast becoming the best defensive player in IPPSAL Girls Basketball. The Lady Panthers have a big week as they take on Waldorf tonight in Garden City, before tipping off with Solomon Schechter(Tuesday - 5:30 - Wellington Gym) and Lexington (Friday - 4:30 - Wellington Gym) .

Varsity Girls Hockey extended its amazing regular season WIHLMA win streak at the expense of a determined Princeton Day School team. The PDS girls fought hard and put up a stubborn defense, but the new forward combo of Senior Siena Falino and Sophomore Ashley Wade proved to be too much as they combined for numerous goals during a big Portledge second period. There is lots of regular season work to do for the Lady Panthers though. This week they will be down in New Jersey on both Wednesday and Thursday night to face off with Morristown Beard and Princeton High School, respectively. After these contests only one regular season game remains before the Mid Atlantic Championship Tournament, which will be held the weekend of Feb, 22nd & 23rd at Princeton Day School this year.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Chilly Winds Blow in Some Exciting Puck/ Varsity Girls and Boys Take on Morristown Beard in Double Header @ the Dam

WHAT A NIGHT FOR HOCKEY!! The word was spread around town that this was the night to come down to Beaver Dam , if you wanted to see some great Prep School hockey action. The Portledge Varsity Girls and Boys Hockey teams were taking on the Varsity teams from Morristown-Beard. Both of these schools love their ice hockey and both games were set to be battles. The crowd steadily built during the night, reaching its peak during the incredible third period of the girls game, and creating a real buzz for the start of the Varsity Boys contest. The skating was fast with beautiful playmaking all around.

What Happened in the Varsity Girls Game?

To say that this match up has become a rivalry is to not fully illustrate how hard the Portledge and Mo Beard girls go at it when they face each other on the ice. Five of the last six times they played the difference was just one goal with Morristown hoisting the Mid Atlantic Championship last February following a 2-1 victory over the Lady Panthers. This season Portledge is slightly favored to take the crown, and the Lady Panthers were determined to serve notice of their skill in this winters first meeting between the squads. Just imagine the little bit of shock that went through the Portledge team when Mo Beard took a 1-0 lead early five minutes into the first period, or when the Crimson answered the Lady Panthers early second period equalizer with goal of their own, to regain a one goal lead more than half way through the game. Going back to that first Portledge goal - what a beauty! Emily Prey slipped a slick pass from the point onto the stick of Sophomore Ashley Wade. Wade then sent a behind the back cross creas fed to winger Alyssa Parke who blasted the biscuit in to the open net. Still with time running down in the second period the Portledge girls trailed 2-1. At this point the game started to change as the lady Panthers began taking their play to another level. They continuously worked the puck around the Mo Beard zone with crisp passing and tenacious forechecking. Finally, captasin Siena Falino found an open Erin Brand cutting down from the point. The eigth grader then sent a wicked wrister past the Crimson goalie to tie the score and set the stage for what would be a very memorable third period.

Right from the drop of the puck the Lady Panthers swarmed into the Mo Beard zone, while at the same time denying the Crimson access to the Portledge zone. As the pace of play reached yet another level of speed, it became Falino time. The senior, playing her last game at home, simply took over. After getting a nice pass from Wade in the slot she fired a snap shot off of the cross bar and into the opponents net. Minutes later she wound things up in her own zone and took the puck the length of the ice around several Mo Beard players before finally beating the Crimson goalie while being dragged down to the ice. I will always remember the picture of Siena sliding on her knees to the corner, with her stick raised in joyful celebration after this amazing goal. She added another after stealing the puck in the neutral zone and going in alone on the Crimson goalie. The relentless Portledge forecheck led to one last goal by Addie Reilly as the Lady Panthers made a point with a dominating third perios and a hard fought 6-2 win. The score does not accurately reflect the up and down play, and the Portledge girls need to be ready to defend their first place position when the travel out to Morristown next Wednesday for regular season rematch.

How Was the Varsity Boys Game?

Everyone knew that the Portledge boys had a tough one ahead of them since they were playing without their starting goalie, captain Sal Magliocco. Freshman Mihael Bruschi would be making his first start in the Portledge Varsity nets and there was a bit of a nervous feeling around the rink. Well, the joke was kind of on everyone as Bruschi turned away shot after shot in the first period and gave the Panthers a real shot to establish themselves in the game. Something the boys definitely accomplished when Sophomore Tom Parisi won the race to a loose puck in the Morristown zone, snuck in front with quick move, and beat the Crimson goalie to give Portledge a 1-0 lead. Parisi is really emerging as a skilled offensive player who can score and pass equally well. He is playing with great confidence and taking on the mantel of leadership among all the young talented forwards. Despite tremendous pressure during successive power play opportunities, the Panthers could not get that critical second goal that would have given them some control over this fast paced game. Early in the second period Morristown tied the game with a beautiful shot off the rush and went on to take the lead late in the stanza when the Panthers misplayed a dump in. Tailing 2-1 going into the third the Portledge boys pressed for the equalizer, but eventually left themselves open to counter attacks by a well balanced Morristown team. Much like the girls game, but in the opposite direction, the 5-1 final did not reflect the true nature of the game. This one could have gone either way. Congratulations should go out to the Morristown goalie, who played a tremendous game.

Please check the web site and come out to support our Panther hoopsters, AS THEY PLAY MANY GAMES OVER THE NEXT FEW DAYS!!!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

How 'Bout Them Apples/Varsity Girls Hockey Overcomes Big Red of Lawrenceville

I remember writing in the blog last winter how the Portledge v. Lawrenceville Varsity Girls Hockey game was one of the best secondary school sports events I had ever been a part of. The 9-8 overtime classic, which is seen as a historic win for the Portledge Girls Hockey Program, had at its core a tremendous individual performance. Current Portledge Senior Siena Falino, a Junior at that time, scored seven of the Lady Panthers nine goals, and assisted on another. Her will to achieve victory, and the overall confidence she displayed in that game is unmatched by the anything I have seen at the rink in my twenty years of coaching. Much of the moxie displayed by the captain on that night last January, has rubbed off on the rest of the girls who have returned from last year's team. For the second time this season they entered the third period of a Division I Varsity Girls Hockey game tied with their opponents, and both times they have prevailed by playing a defensively sound and offensively aggressive last fifteen minutes. The latter of these games took place last night when the Lady Panthers visited The Big Red of Lawrenceville for this season's version of what is becoming an excellent Girls Hockey rivalry.

How Did the Game Unfold?

The Lawrenceville girls were ready for Portledge's #7 this time. From the first time she touched the puck it was easy to see that stopping Falino was the focus of the Big Red gameplan. Two, and sometimes three skaters were immediately on the scene when the puck came around the Portledge captain. Still, about seven minutes in, Falino found a little space down the right wing and sent a wrister towards the Lawrenceville net. The shot was deflected by a defenseman and a bit misplayed by the keeperbefore it settled in the net to give the Portledge girls a 1-0 lead. It was an extremely tight checking game throughout as the Lady Panthers, sensing that this was not going to be a fifteen goal affair, consistently smothered the Lawrenceville attack right at the defensive blue line. When the Big Red attack did penetrate the Portledge zone, their shots on goal found a very sharp Olivia Rivera in the Lady Panthers net. Two or three big saves kept Portledge in the lead until L'Ville finally evened the game towards the end of the second period. The stage was set for a great finish and a real calm settled over the Portledge team as Coach Schwam asked them, "can we do this"? The answer came in the form of a uniform and determined head bob by all the Portledge girls...and so it came to be. The play was gradually pushed into the L'Ville end for longer periods of time and eventually Falino came free at the left circle. Instead of shooting though, the crafty Senior sent a beautiful cross ice pass to a wide open Ashley Wade, who was unmarked and standing by the far post. The spunky Sophomore banged the puck into the unguarded side of the net and Portledge had its eventual one goal margin in the form of a 2-1 score. The final few minutes provided the Portledge girls another opportunity to display their developing experience under pressure. They handled the all out effort of the L'Ville girls to tie the score, with a real sense of calm and confidence. To me, it appears they all learned something that cold January night one year ago. The Lady Panther's have another tough one coming up when they travel up to Millbrook School to take on the Lady Mustangs in a 5:30 face off on Friday night.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

An Almost Perfect Big Monday/ Varsity Girls Basketball and Varsity Boys Hockey Post Wins, But Varsity Boys Basketball Goes Down to Defeat

It was a big Monday in Portledge Athletics as the Varsity Girls Basketball team squared off at home v. Upper Room in a critical IPPSAL match up, the Varsity Boys Basketball team traveled to Kew Forest for an important IPPSAL game of their own, and Varsity Boys Hockey faced off at Beaver Dam against the combined team of Locust Valley and North Shore High Schools.

What Happened in the Varsity Girls Basketball Game?

The Lady Panthers were in a tough spot as they took the floor. Junior captain and starting point guard Monique Kelly was home sick and their opponents from Upper Room looked determined to avenge an early season defeat at the hands of the Portledge girls. Thus, the stage was set for a very tough game at Wellington Gym. Juniors Robyn Worrall and Claudia Rogers took turns handling the and remained quite calm against Upper Room's often used full court press. In breaking the pressure the Junior duo created open court opportunities at the other end that the other Lady Panthers took advantage of. Junior Akanksha Trivedi scored 16 points and Freshman Alexa Lodenquai added 13 to lead the Portledge squad. Also making key contributions were Junior Marian Juste, who was all over the boards, and Senior Leah Heffernan, whose experience was essential down the stretch. This great team effort led to many assisted baskets and a very satisfying win over a tough league rival. The Lady Panthers next take the court this Friday (Wellington Gym @ 4:00pm) when they should continue to solidify their play off position against a weak Kew Forest team.

What Happened to the Boys Team at Kew Forest?

Even with Junior Mark Dourmashkin hitting for 25 points, it wasn't enough to propel the Panthers to victory over their foes from Queens. Down by three at the start of the third quarter was as close as the Portledge team came to last year's IPPSAL Runners Up. The IPPSAL Varsity Boys Basketball picture is starting to clarify and the Panthers will need to play much better, if they hope to qualify for the league play offs. That process will start at home this Wednesday when the boys take on Solomon Schechter at 5:45pm.

How Was the Local Darby Hockey Game Down at Beaver Dam?

This was a tough match up for the Portledge team because everyone was expecting them to win, but they were, nevertheless, facing a skilled and determined opponent in the form of the combined team of ice hockey players from North Shore and Locust Valley High Schools. Freshman Winger Jesse Schandler was a big part of the Panthers offense as he tallied twice during the game, and added an assist as well. With Junior captain and lead defenseman David Wilson on the bench resting some bumps and bruises, Sophomores Ron Fishman, Pat Condan and Ryan Gottfried all rose to the occaision and played some great hockey. Freshman defender Mike Conslato also played really well and impressed the large crowd with his strong skating and passing skills. The final score of 6-0 was not indicative of the Panther's total control of the game as Mr. Coope took advantage of the situation to get all his players plenty of ice time. After taking on Morristown (Home/Jan26th) and PDS (Away/Jan28th), the boys will begin the hardest part of their schedule with a very difficult stretch of games during February.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Southern Hospitality/Varsity Girls Hockey Wins Twice During Mid Atlantic League Trip to Maryland

The Portledge Varsity Girls Ice Hockey team raised their overall record to 7 wins and 4 losses by posting two victories during their trip to Maryland this past weekend. The Lady Panthers also remained at the top of the WIHLMA standings by building an mark of 4 wins with no losses in league play.

Who Did the Girls Play and Which Players Led the Way?

Saturday's opponent was Shady Side Academy from Pittsbugh, PA, while Sunday saw the Portledge girls take on our awesome hosts, Holten Arms. The Lady Panthers controlled both games and registered similar 5-2 and 6-1 results, respectively. Saturday's offense was paced by Siena Falino, who led the way with four of the goals, and Junior defenseman Chelsea Caracciolo who added a score when she completed one of her patented end to end rushes. On Sunday, the Sophomores took over as Alyssa Parke had the hat trick, Ashley Wade scored on a beautiful break away move and crafty winger Ali James tallied for the second time in three games. It's great to see the scoring be so balanced and the team play well together. They will need both of these things to remain constant this week, as they play consecutive away games against New England Division I opponents. The Lady Panthers travel to Lawrenceville on Wednesday for a 6:15 start, where the Big Red will be looking for revenge for last years 8-7 overtime loss to Portledge. Then it's up to Millbrook School for a big Friday night tilt (5:30) at Bontecou Rink. The Lady Panthers opponents should know not to try any rough stuff because the Portledge girls ain't no bandleaders! Yeah, we heard that story.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

The Continuation of the Continuum of Portledge Athletics/ The Return of a Class of '87 Alum to Take on Panthers @ Beaver Dam Highlights a Great Week

On Monday night not only was the Assistant Coach of the Portledge Varsity Boys Ice Hockey team a former captain of Portledge Hockey, but so was the Head Coach of the opposition. Of course the first individual in question is our very own Mr. Jon Sandos '03, who has returned after college to coach and teach at his alma mater. While the second person referred to above is Michael Goodrich '87. Mike, or Goody, as he was known during his days on the ice for Portledge School and Norwich University, is a successful businessman in the financial markets and has also become an accomplished coach in the New Jersey Public School ice hockey ranks. His Fairlawn High team has been a perennial playoff participant in the New Jersey State Championships, that over the last three years has developed a solid and exciting rivalry with their coaches' former school, Portledge. Goody captained 86-87 squad at Portlege and was a team mate of such Portledge Hockey legends as Keith Merkler and Justin Ort. Last year, right here at Beaver Dam, he led Fairlawn High to a dramatic 4-3 cvertime victory over our very own Portledge Panthers. Goody loves to compete v. Portledge and the Panthers always know that they will get a determined effort from the Fairlawn players. Thus, it was with great respect and a real sense of purpose that the Panther skaters laced em up Monday night for this exciting tilt.

How Did the Game Unfold?

It was obvious when Ron Fishman sent a beautiful cross ice pass for a wide open Kurt Krotz tip in to give the Panthers an early 1-0 lead that Portledge had the more talented and experienced team. Goodrich's Fairlawn team was determined to make it a game though, and much of the play during the first two periods was quite scrappy. A beautifully executed drop pass by Freshman winger Jesse Schandler sent Senior Renny Kraft in alone, and the smooth skating Kraft suavely put a backhander over the Fairlawn goalie's shoulder to make it 2-0. Gorgeous goals by Sophomore Pat Condon and Freshman Matt Crockett contributed to the final score of 6-1, but the real winner on this night was Portledge Hockey, as it welcomed back one of its own for a great game that was really enjoyed by all.

Did the Varsity Boys Hockey Team Play Any Other Games This Week?

They most certainly did, as the Panthers went on to register the first Portledge win over a New England Division I squad in quite some time. The victory came against Albany Academy on Wednesday night and it goes a long way in showing that Portledge Boys Hockey is on its way back. Albany was a hot club coming into the game, having recently knocked off South Kent, a recent victor itself over Avon and according to Hockey Night in Boston one New England's top teams this year. Facts like these really make you think that Coaches Coope and Sandos are building a very special club here on the Island. Early in the game the Panthers put a great deal of pressure on Albany and finally took the lead when Kurt Krotz found the puck on his stick in front yet again. The big Sophomore centerman made no mistake and the early goal gave Portledge some much needed confidence. The Panthers made it 2-0 early in the second when Freshman Brendan McGovern converted a rebound opportunity and the Panthers really started believing they could leave the capitol region with a very meaningful win. You knew it wouldn't be easy though, and Albany took care of that when they scored twice to even the score. The pressure was on the visitors to step up their game and that is exactly what happened. The Panthers broke the tie around the 12 minute mark of the third period when Sophomore defenseman Pat Condon finished off a Panthers rush with a neatly placed slapper into the top corner. Portledge played a solid last six minutes to secure the win and really make a statement about the direction of the program. A huge shout out goes out to Mr. Conslato and Mr. Magliocco for making the long trip up to Albany to support our team. Portledge will next take the ice on Monday, January 12th @ Beaver Dam (5:30) in what should been a real backyard brawl against the combined team that represents North Shore and Locust Valley High Schools.

Did the Varsity Girls Team Have Any Games This Week?

The Portledge Varsity Girls Hockey team traveled just across the Throgs Neck Bridge to take on one their biggest rivals the Rye Country Day Wildcats. This would be the second meeting of the season between the teams and the Rye girls were looking for some pay back after the Lady Panthers smacked them 9-1 earlier in this winter. Rye definitely showed improved play as the up and down action was spirited during the early going, but the Portledge girls also displayed development after playing all that really tough hockey at the Deefield Tournament. During one of the irst shifts of the game, Sophomore center Ashley Wade made an incrdible behind the back wrap around pass to a wide open Siena Falino in the slot. Falino buried the opportunity and the Lady Panthers were on their way. Falino later returned the favor setting Wade up in front, and the dominating combo of Addie Reilly and Alyssa Parke broke the game open as they were virtually unstopable in crashing their way through the Rye defense time and again. Sophomore Olivia Rivera was sharp in goal and the defense really controlled the play with slik puck movement. The Girls have some big Mid Atlantic League games this weekend as they travel down to Laurel, Maryland to face Shaddy Side of Pittsburgh, Pa and Holten Arms of Baltimore. Good luck girls and a very huge congratulations to my advisee Ali James on scoring her first goal for Portledge in the victory over Rye.

How Did the Varsity Basketball Teams Do This Week?

It was a quiet week on the hardwood as basketball picked up again after the Holiday Break. The varsity Boys team only played once and lost disappointingly to Lexington. The offense didn't seem to be able to get on track and the tough team from Jackson Heights went on to dominate the glass. The Panthers will have the chance to rebound this coming week though as they will play a critical IPPSAL game at Kew Forest on Monday, followed by home games v. Solomon Schechter and Valley Stream Christian on Wednesday and Thursday, respectively. There is no time to waste for the Panthers as they must get on a hot streak to be a factor in the IPPSAL season.

The Varsity Girls team also had a less than glorious week as they played what some called their worst game of the season on Thursday night in losing to LWA by a score of 36-13. Mr. Amadio's post game chat seemed to take hold though as the girls came back to play a very solid game v. Mill Neck on Friday night. Freshman Alexa Lodenquai led Portledge with 13 points as every player on the team scored on route to the victory. The girls have two must win games at home this coming week as they face Upper Room on Monday and Kew Forest on Friday. As mentioned both games will be at home and will start at (4:00PM).

Anything Else Exciting Happening in Portledge Athletics?

There is the start of something special occurring with the Epee component of the Varsity Fencing program. Led by Senior Nick Hagedorn and Sophomore Alan Phipps the epee fencers are unbeaten through three sets of bouts. So far they have registered wins over the epee teams at Horace Mann, St Ann's and Rye Country Day. Each of those schools has great fencing teams, so this is no small accomplishment. The fencing team will now go back into training until after exams when they will resume their season with the individual and team championship meets, as well as several tough dual meets with rivals such as Hackley and Chapin.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Finale of Abrakadabra / Preview of Upper School Squash and Fencing Programs

OK...we have talked up basketball and hockey, so now it's time to wrap up the upper school sports previews with some discussion about squash and fencing. These are difficult sports to have knowledge about since squash is practiced off campus at the Creek Club and all of their matches are played in NYC and Brooklyn; and Fencing takes place in some far off place called the lower school gym...that's when it's not serving as a venue for the latest Portledge School drama production. I will have to say, 'hats off to the lower school students, faculty and especially Mrs. Carvell for yet another amazing winter pageant". But getting back to these off the radar programs, it is important to note that these fantastic programs would not work without the contributions of some very dedicated faculty members. First of all there is Dr. David Sarles. Dr. Sarles spends a good part of every winter afternoon behind the wheel of the Portledge bus ferrying students to and from the Creek Club, so that we may even offer a squash program. He is a tireless performer and we are all lucky to have his knowledge and wit around us at all times. The second person that deserves serious recognition is Mr. Eric Johnson. This winter Mr. Johnson is running both the middle and upper school squash programs and, as always, is doing a great job. He brings many years of experience to the job and performs it with a light hearted sense of enjoyment. The last of the 'men behind the scenes' is Freshman teacher Mr. Shane Cappucio. Mr. Cappucio has taken over the day to day oversight of the Varsity Squash program and has done a great job acclimating himself to all the responsibilities. Just last month, when the team showed up at the wrong Eastern Athletic Club in NYC, and found no opponents waiting for them, Mr. Cappucio kept his cool. He ascertained that there was another such establishment merely 12 blocks away, and delivered his squad so that the first match began right on time. Way to go Mr. C!!! It's the quiet work of individuals like these that makes Portledge Athletics the successful and inclusive program it a big thanks to all of you, gentlemen.

What's Going On With Portledge Squash?

The Portledge Squash program took a bit off a hit this winter when we lost the opportunity to field a JV squad. This was because a lack of available court space and it is something we are working on , so that hopefully next winter we will be able to offer squash to more individuals This winter, however, we have only a Varsity team and it is made up of 8 boys and 4 girls. The adventurous quartet of females are three Juniors with a good deal of experience on the court, Stephanie Hegarty, Elizabeth Girgenti and Hannah Fortgang, plus fearless Freshman Rachael Scheinman. Rachel is currently recovering from an injury sustained during play and we all wish her a speedy recovery. The top male players are Juniors John Litke, Miles Works, Sam Scheinman and Craig Renjifo. Sophomore Will Pascucci and Freshmen Sam Melman, Harrison Tanchuk and Zachary Cooper-Vastola all display good ability and a desire to improve their games. With veteran squasher Sam Ticker being the only Senior, this group has the potential to become a solid crew over the next two years. So far the squad has taken on Packer and Friends Seminary in coed matches and the girls have gone head to head with Brearly. While we have not won an overall match several individuals have broken through for single victories. The Varsity Squash team has a busy January as they will play coed matches v. Chapin (twice) and Poly Prep from Brooklyn. Good luck to all the players and Mr. Cappucio for a great season on the hardwood.

How is the Portledge Fencing Program Doing?

The answer to that question is.... that it's alive and well. This winter over twenty individuals are competing in Varsity foil and epee fencing and on a JV squad as well. In the groups first match, v. Horace Mann, the epee and JV teams were victorious , while the Varsity foil squad was defeated. Leading this year's fencers is a group of Seniors that includes Matt Ardito, Ashwin Chichwadkar, Nick Hagedorn, Adam Kravietz and Farone Rasheed. These individuals have been fencing throughout their upper school years and are providing excellent leadership to the younger swashbucklers. A key to the success of this year's epee team, which is arguably Portledge's best fencing dicsipline, will be the skill of Junior Alan Phipps. Phipps had some strong showings last year and he hopes to build on that success this winter. In foil, watch out for 8th grader Evan Solomon. Not only does Evan help coach our middle school fencers, but he is a ferocious competitor at the Varsity level. Good luck to Mr. Johnson and all the fencers as they compete in the very challenging ISFL (Independent School Fencing League). The fencers will host St Ann's and Rye Country Day on Wednesday and Thursday, January 7th and 8th, before heading off to a big quad match at Masters on Saturday, January 10th. The home matches will take place in the lower school gym.